My Skin-Winter Solider/Bucky Barnes [Female/Genderbent Steve x3]

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In which we find our main character, Stephanie Grace Rogers, trying to break into her best friend's apartment because he hasn't been answering his phone

Oh Bucky... what have you done now? I'm breaking laws for you. You better be hurt or I'll be so angry. Wait. No. Don't be hurt. Please don't be hurt. And please don't press charges, I'm about to break into your apartment. Not as easy as it sounds, just so you know. I can't pick locks to save my life. Yet here I am, picking the lock on your front door. This sounds bad. I should stop talking to myself. I'm not even talking out loud. I'm thinking.

The door swings open, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Ha. Take that Natasha. I can pick locks.

I hesitantly step into my best friend's apartment, looking around. Nothing seems out of place.

"Bucky?" I yell. No answer. I start walking around, hoping to see him.

No sign on him out here... maybe he's in his room. Should I go back there...? No. No, that would be invading his privacy. But... what if he's hurt?

Dammit Bucky. Why couldn't you just answer your phone?

My question is answered when I see his phone, laying on the counter in pieces.

"Oh." I mumble. "Nice job Bucky. Break your phone, that's how you make sure I don't have a panic attack and start worrying myself sick over you."

I slowly walk down the hall to his room and knock quietly on the door.


I sigh. "Bucky?"

Still silent. I swear, he's doing this to make me go insane.

I bite my lower lip and cautiously twist the doorknob, letting his bedroom door swing open.

He's sleeping.

"Awww..." I murmur, seeing a teddybear dressed in what looks like a mini Captain America costume.

This bear. I gave this bear to Bucky as a joke. I had no idea that he kept it. I have one dressed in a mini version of his uniform at my apartment.

"Bucky..." I say, poking his cheek. "Bucky, it's time to get up. I'll make breakfast. C'mon I know you love it when I make you breakfast. Bucky. Bucky. Jamie. Bucky. JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES!"

"What? I'm up!" Bucky groans, batting my hand away from his face. "Stephanie? How'd you get into my apartment?"

"I picked the lock." I reply, grinning triumphantly. "It was a lot harder than it sounds."

Bucky squints at me. "Are you in your pajamas?" I look down and blush.

"Um... yup. I guess I was too focused on making sure you're okay." I admit. "You wouldn't answer your phone and I kinda... well I panicked."

"I broke my phone." Bucky admits. I grin at him.

"Yeah, I noticed. How'd you do that anyways?" I ask. He holds up his left hand- the metal prosthetic gleeming in the morning sun.

"I got mad." He says simply. I laugh and nudge him.

"Go figure. You want me to make breakfast or do you wanna go out?" I ask. Bucky smiles lazily at me.

"Do you even have to ask?"

I laugh again. "Right, I'll make breakfast. You're lucky you're my best friend or I wouldn't put up with making breakfast for you every. Damn. Morning."

Only, I wish you were more than just my best friend...

"Oh please, you know you love me Steph." Bucky jokes. I force a smile, wondering how he'd react if he found out that I really do love him.

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