RiD - Sideswipe x Reader : Launchpad

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"What are you doing?" Russell took a seat next to me. He was staring at the Launchpad that I was testing. I had changed the sounds to my favourite songs from my childhood to now.

"Oh, just checking it." I replied him as I plug in the wires from the device to my laptop. Russell didn't bother to stay due to a football match with the kids. He took his helmet and waved goodbye.

I return the wave back. "Okay, just like we practice," I mumbled to myself, also taking a few deep breaths.

My fingers hovered over the square pads while the other finger hover dangerously at the mousepad. "You can do it,"

I hit the record button and the fingers started to hit the launchpad. Simultaneously. I was smiling at the sounds it creates.

What a beautiful masterpiece, just by doing mashup of different songs of different genres from different times.

[ _Sideswipe P.O.V_ ]

I walk around the scrapyard and I was bored. Bee and Grimlock was out with Denny, said to retrieve some old human stuff. Strongarm was training. Again.

Out of nowhere, my audio receptors picked up something. It was like the music that I hear but this music was different. I quickly follow the tune of the music until my optics landed onto (Name).

(Name), how should I put it, its like me. Breaking the rules and knows how to pull pranks. At least someone liked it. I try to catch her attention by waving my servos to her. Scrap, she didn't see it. Maybe its the music she's tapping? Playing? Or whatever she is doing.

I want to sneak up but that would ruin the music she's making. Without making any sounds, I sat behind her, letting my audio receptors to hear it.

[ _now back to you_ ]

I let my fingers to glide as I did the solo part. In my mind, I could imagine doing an Animatic of this masterpiece. The characters, the background, lighting and all! Imagine the story of this song, the plot twist or, the cliffhanger.

The solo part reminds me of my Piano days. Ah, good memories of it.

I let the last note to held at a longer time as I checked the recording on the screen of my laptop. After that, my finger tapped the mousepad to stop the recording. I let out a satisfied sigh for my artwork. In fact, I was pleased with it.

"That was so fragging cool!" A voice jumpscared me, I quickly turn around to see who the hell scare me. My glare changed to a relief to see a familiar voice.

"Its just you, Sideswipe," I greeted him. I make another copy of my song and transfer it to my USB drive.

"Just me? Wow, I feel offended," Sideswipe mocked. I could sense that he was smiling from the way he's mocking me. "Anyway, what is that device that your play and the music was great! How did you do it?"

I felt a wave of pride and adoration from him. Smiling I answered him. His face had changed with a few happy expressions. Another feeling was that Strongarm might be happy that Sideswipe isn't bugging her.

"Oh! Oh! Can I try? Please! Pretty please! I swear by Primus, I will be good to it!" He pouted. I couldn't say no him. He saved Earth from Deceptions, even though his personality is different than Bumblebee and Strongarm. Also, since he was sitting on the ground like an eager pupil, I hand him my Launchpad.

"Take good care of it," I eyed him, well, trying to my best to glare, in a soft glare. "If you break it, I will break your pistons and cables!"

"Yes, sir!" He saluted me. Like an eagerly kid, he played with it with happiness. I watched him tapping away, finding his muse and creating his own songs.

It was a few minutes that I let him to record his new piece. His eyes, er, optics widen in happiness to my response. Of course I did a small collab with him. I pulled another Launchpad and plug it to my laptop and the both of started to tap away. I didn't count the time that the both of us had this much fun. Other than pranking the bots.

If only we could stay like this forever.

Without the approval of myself, my limbs started to move towards him, and I placed a small kiss at his cheek. He was caught off guard, that I can tell and for me, I just turned around and walked back to my laptop, thinking to myself that nothing happen between us.

Sideswipe return my launchpad with cautious. I take it and the silence between us are slowly killing me.

"Um, wanna for a ride while I'm patrol?" Thank the Lord, he break it. I saved the songs we created and turn off my laptop.

"Sure thing," I nodded my head as he transformed into his vehicle mode. The driver door opened and I slip in. I fasten my seatbelt and leaned back onto the seat. Letting him take the wheel.

Still, we created some more songs.

Thank you Launchpad for this golden moment, I thanked my device as I continued to tap the pads.

~ - - - ~ - - - ~
2:33 was the Solo Part

//also I do take request if you explain to me which bot, which tf universe and what prompt do you want.

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