Prompt #38

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Pairing : Sideswipe x Techno Organic!Reader x Sunstreaker
Universe : G1
Requested by : @Halopax
//its the Lambros eeyyyyy

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38. "Why are you covered in mud?"

Class had ended when the students poured out from the doors. Their chatters were lively, they were smiling, laughing. The music that was played to my earphones soothe me as I walked the hallways. The leaves were changing and the wind was getting a bit chilly.

I sneakily walked to the back, where the gate was opened and the janitor was taking the trash out. He flashed me a small smile before presuming his duty. I watched him take the last bag out and left the place. I let my scans did a thorough search of lifeforms before transforming into my vehicle mode and speed off.

To my home. The Autobot base.

I managed to reach the base before the rain came down. I did a drift as I enter the gate. Quickly transform back into my usual form, I greeted everyone with smiles and they greet me back with their own usual greetings.

It was like a prayer had answered when the rain started to fall faster. It sounded like it was raining hailstorm but its just water that came from the sky. The whole weather went into my mind of calming and serene. I was in a peaceful state. All my worries were gone as the rain played its melody.

"You reached the place just in time," And the moment was ruining when the familiar voices break my state. I let a low sigh.

"Hello Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. How was-" I trailed off when I saw their appearance. They were covered in mud. From helm to pedes. How. In. The. Hell. Did. This. Happen. Oh wait, its the rain doing. "Why are you covered in mud? Like, how in the Allspark did the both of you have the free time to do all of this." I gestured 'this' in a hand gesture.

The both of them shared a look before turned their helms to look at me. "Since you are busy with the Earth education, we want you to have time with us." Sideswipe said.

"Y'know, walking around the base with mud all over is a bad idea-"

"I know! Isn't it good for my metal?" Sunstreaker nudged Sideswipe's arm.

"Guys, let me finish." I studied their forms, decided that I should let them get scolded or I should wash them. I choose the latter.

"Fine, but please behave," I crossed my arms. "Also I'm a hurry. Have to finish this painting before this weekend."

"Don't worry, (Name)! We will be on our best behaviour!" Sideswipe send me a thumbs up to reassured my troubling thoughts of the brothers.

"What he said," Sunstreaker flashed me a grin.

"Good, now go outside while I prepared the hose, soap and buffer." My hands make a motioned that says 'shoo' and thank Primus that they understand Earth gestures.

The brothers walked together, side by side as they conversed in their own conversation. I rolled my eyes at their antics, reminding myself.

How did I even learn to date them?

Plus, this must be their attempt to make me to love them more. Well done. I fall for it.

TransFormers x Reader [updated : Prompt is Open]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin