Any TF universe - Sunstreaker x Reader x Sideswipe : Satisfied

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//human au
Sideswipe : Shane
Sunstreaker : Seth
//i have enter the Hamilton fandom and I cant stop singing //anyway lets go

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"Shane, why are we at the ball? I understand that we have to our presence known," Seth glared at his twin. He wore a black sleek suit, at the front pocket of his blazer, a yellow handkerchief stuck out to inform the public which twin is who. "But why do I have to wear this?"

Shane stuck his tongue out. "Aw, c'mon bro! Live a little! Its a gala and Prime wants to make sure that the whole family are alive." He sneakily took out his phone to check his look. His hair was black but with a few red highlights, same goes to his twin but also with yellow highlights. Difference are Shane let his red highlights to make it long and bright. Both eyes are sea blue, entrancing anyone with their gaze.

Seth snorted as he took a champagne glass from the waiter. The blue liquid glisten from the lights and the music was calm. He took a small sip as his twin excuse himself to woo ladies with his personality. He let his wander around before landing to a lady he had never seen before.

As in the song had read his mind, Seth quickly make his way towards her. With a polite gesture and a charming smile, he asked,"May I have this dance?"

The lady smiled and accepted his gesture. Seth pulled her to the middle of the ballroom, both of them were graceful.

"You know," The lady spoke up. Her voice had set a spark aflame within his heart. "You strike me as a guy who has never been satisfied."

Seth chuckled,"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." He let her spin for a few seconds before pulling her close. "You forget yourself."

Her lips form a smirk. "You're like me, I've never been satisfied."

Seth found her personality quite interesting. "Is that right?" He leaned in for a bit.

A small red hue was visible to her cheeks. "I have never been satisfied," She whispered as they parted from each other.

Seth did a bow to her. "My name is Seth Streaker,"

The lady return him with a curt. "(Name) (Last name)," And smiled at him. Seth felt his heart skip a beat.

"So, uh," Seth took two glasses and gave it to her. "Where's your family from?"

(Name) stared at the beverage before answering his question. "Unimportant," Her gaze still staring at the liquid. "There's a million things I haven't don't but," She quickly look up, her eyes changed their demeanour from soft to determination. "Just you wait, just you wait..."

Seth was taken back by her sudden changed. The end of his lips turned upwards as he was amused by her voice. Of course, her looks was like the beauty of a goddess and dear Primus, their conversation lasted for a few minutes as (Name) had to go to the ladies room to cleared herself. He nod in understanding, awaiting her like a loyal dog.

He had an urge to take her away from this place, this gala, away from peering eyes and the urge became into a needy one. He wanted her. He need her to be his. The glass she held, he notice the lipstick stain at the edge. Letting out a short chuckle, he return the glass to the waiter but of course, he had to check how's his brother is doing without him.

He managed to found Shane, chatting with the guest. Shane's eyes light up as he saw Seth. The guest had finished their conversation and excused themselves, making an opportunity for Shane to reunited with Seth.

"Who was the dance?" Shane nudged his elbow at Seth's hips, earning a small growl. "Heard you were dancing with a girl."

Seth playfully punch his shoulder. "It must be the champagne."

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