jesse when...

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You cheat on him

Jesse was driving down the road on his way to work when he passed a house that he could've sworn had your car parked in the driveway.

He slowed down and looked at the car.

Yep. It had all your bumper stickers.

At first he assumed the worst of you, but then he started thinking more positively.

"She wouldn't cheat on me." He thought as he rolled down his car window.

His mind told him to keep driving, but his heart told him to get out of the car.

His heart always wins.

As he walked up the concrete steps, Jesse remained positive.

"She's probably visiting a work friend or an old relative." He thought.

Jesse didn't even need to knock, the door was open.

His stomach began to turn in knots.

He walked in slowly, trying to hold on tightly to the tiniest bit of hope he had left for you.

It all faded away when he looked through the bedroom door.

There you were on top of Todd, his business partner.

Jesse was still.

His heart was breaking as he watched you moan and groan, the way you did with him.

Tears began to form.

You were so busy with Todd, you never even noticed him watching.

Jesse couldn't bare it any longer. He shrugged to himself. "Figures," he said depressingly.

You heard that.

"Jesse?" You asked, fear in your voice.

He put his head down and began to walk away.

You quickly gathered your clothes and ran after him, but he was already in his little red car.

"Jesse, please!" You cried.

He ignored you as he started the engine.

Todd came up behind you, rubbing your shoulders. He kissed your neck.

"Sorry baby, but junkies don't get happily ever afters."

That night when you came home, all of Jesse's things were gone.

You sat on the couch and realized what a terrible mistake you made and you might not ever get him back.

Jesse Pinkman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now