Entry #1

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Jesse POV:

Dear Journal,

    I don't really know what to say right now. I guess I should start with the fact that I'm different. And I don't mean in a weird way. But at the same time... no one is really quite like me. I think differently than other people. I don't follow the popular opinion. I don't take part in any of the popular trends, and instead of playing sports and participating in after-school activities, I prefer to sit at home and read a good book or listen to the kind of music most people have never even heard of.

    No one thinks different is a good thing. Not even the people who could be labeled as such. That's why I always worry when people ask to be friends or tell me they like me. Because I doubt that they'd actually want to be friends with a someone like me. And I know I shouldn't overthink it too much, but I do. Because you never really know someone's true intentions with you. You just kind of assume they're telling the truth. I've made that mistake too many times.

    And you can trust someone as much as you like, get to know them as much as you can, and love them with every ounce of love you have, but... that never actually makes them a good person. It just makes you a naive on. I don't want to be labeled as such either. Then, people take advantage of you and manipulate you because they know you'll fall for it. I wish I'd learned that sooner.

I slowly closed the cover of my journal. It was my first entry in a book I'd gotten years ago but never written in. The cover was dusty and the pages were worn, but it was still a book. Just like I was still a person. And no matter how worn out I may be, I still have a story inside. I sighed as I placed the book on my nightstand and turned my light out to go to sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter :( I just wanted to introduce Jesse's journal because it'll be a really important object in the story :)

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