Something Beautiful

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Jesse POV:

    I waited for Lukas at the front of the school. He had asked me to wait there for him. I hugged my journal close to my chest. I don't know why I brought it. I guess it was just in case I decided I wanted to write something down in it. I never thought I'd ever be the kind of girl to keep a diary, but here I am.

    I sighed as I saw Lukas walking over. He gave me a friendly wave and I returned the gesture. He had a dorky grin on his face as he walked up next to me. "Hey, Jess. You feeling any better?" he asked. I nodded, but didn't make eye contact. "Anyways, Aiden, Maya and Gill said you could sit with us at lunch if you want," he said. I shrugged. "I'll think about it. I kind of just need some space right now," I said. He nodded. "Alright. You don't need to feel obligated to walk with me then. I just thought because..." I cut him off before he could finish. "No! Um... I mean, it's fine. I would like a bit of company. Just not sure if I want to talk to your other friends yet. It would be kind of awkward after the past two years," I said. Why was I acting so weird right now? Lukas didn't seem to notice though.

    "Okay," he grinned. "We should probably go in and get to class. School's about to start," he said. I nodded and followed him in. I tried to ignore the condescending gazes of my classmates as we walked through the halls. We finally made it to the classroom and I sat down in a seat near Lukas so I'd at least have someone to talk to. I occupied myself by writing another entry in my journal.

Dear Journal,

    I don't really have any new feelings so I guess I'll write a little bit about philosophy. I don't know why, but it's always interested me. That and politics. I guess it's because it reveals so much about you. About how you think of other people, how selfish or selfless you are, how you solve problems, what kind of person you are... you can learn a lot from it. Right now I'm studying a man named Zach Bordin.

    He doesn't say very much, but when he does he says something beautiful. My favorite quote by him is "we all want to change the world, but sometimes, we can only save one person. It's okay if that person is you." I think more people need to hear that.

"Oh my god, is that a journal?" I look up to see James drop his backpack down next to the desk beside me. I slam my journal shut before he can read it. "What's it to you," I hiss. He laughs. "Oh my god you're such a nerd. I'm so glad we don't have to hang out with you anymore. That was just torture! I can't believe you actually fell for that! And for two years!" he slapped his thigh in laughter.

I glare at him but before I can speak I hear a voice from behind him. "I know, right? I don't know how she managed to put up with you guys for two years. I mean, you guys did such a bad job! Just goes to show how nice she is for putting up with your arrogant personalities and horrible acting." We all turned to face Aiden. Did he really just defend me? I opened my mouth to say thank you when another voice piped up. Lukas.

"I know, right Aiden? I mean, she deserves a medal! I would never be able to put up with them!" I looked between the two of them as Aiden high fived Lukas before taking the seat on the other side of him. I looked back to James as he started talking again.

"Wow. You even need your friends to stand up for you. You really can't do anything by yourself. You know It's only a matter of time before they leave you." Lukas leaned forward to look at James. "I'm sorry, but unlike you, we actually like Jesse because she's a good friend. Not because we're desperate for money." James rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you're hanging out with those jerks now." I glared at him. "They're twenty times better than you," I growled. James glared back. "I'd think long and hard about what you're saying, Jesse. Because if you get on our bad side, we could ruin your life." I smirked. "If you don't like me then why are you so upset that I don't like you guys? I mean, did you expect me to still like you guys after what you did?" I said. He replaced his glare with a smirk and put an arm around me. "You know, with that attitude, you might actually fit in with us again. Want us to give you a second chance?" I slapped his arm away with a look of hate.

"No way! I'm only being mean because you're being a jerk! You guys pick on people for fun and make fun of them for your own amusement! I want nothing to do with you!" I said. He only chuckled. "I guess you'd rather stay a friendless loser then," he said. I opened my mouth to say something when Lukas spoke up from behind me. I'd forgotten he was even there.

"You know, James, I don't know what your problem is! Jesse never did anything to you guys! I saw the way she looked at you! She looked up to you guys! All of you! She would've taken a bullet for you guys and not thought twice about it twice, and you end up being the ones to shoot her in the back. She loved you, James! She loved you! And I don't mean she had a short crush on you James! I mean she would do anything to make you happy! And then you guys do that! How do you guys even sleep at night? Jesse is the kindest person I know! She's never hurt anyone! And she already has barely any confidence, so she doesn't need you guys to walk in here with your inflated egos and your big heads and invite her to join you guys just so you can treat her like shit in front of everyone and then embarrass her like that in front of the whole school! And I know Jesse isn't going to make you pay because unlike you, she would never even think of bringing harm to someone else, no matter how much they hurt her. But if you don't shut up right now, I promise you can expect hell from the rest of us," he said, glaring at James. James just leaned back in his seat.

"And what're you gonna do?" he said, smirking. "Keep talking and find out," I heard Aiden say from behind Lukas. James opened his mouth to speak before the teacher interrupted. "Good morning class! I hope you're ready to start your day! Take out your textbooks and turn to chapter 14, section one. I leaned over to Lukas. "Did you really mean all that stuff you said about me?" I asked. He nodded. "Every word of it."

Hope you guys like it :) Sorry I'm making the ocelots protagonists in this story, but I just love the storyline too much.

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