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So. Here it is. The fabled chapter 9. Long-awaited and guess what? School starts up again in two days so I have no idea when chapter 10 is gonna come out. And believe me, you'll want it instantly. So.... sorry ahead of time. Actually, im not that sorry. Seeing you guys freak in the comments is very entertaining. Here you go everyone. Please don't hate me that much after this. Besides, the ending of this chapter is child's play compared to the end of chapter 12... heheheheh....

Keith stood atop a tall skyscraper, looking out at the city for any sign of the kidnapping he'd seen on TV. He was worried. Nothing looked out of place whatsoever. Then he saw it. The one thing out of place. A scuffed up white van. Jumping to the next building over to get a better look, his suspicions were confirmed. The windows were sloppily painted over, and the back door was locked with a padlock. At a stoplight, the door shook faintly, as if being pounded on. This was it. He followed the van until it turned into an alley, before dropping down in front of it. The driver stopped, looking anxiously at the man in the passenger seat. Keith tapped on the window and waited for it to roll down slightly. 

"Y'all don't mind if I take a look in the back, do you? It's been a while since I've seen the inside of a shady white van driving in an alleyway," Keith said. The driver grunted. 

"Not a chance."

"Okay then. I guess we'll have to do this the hard way," Keith said as he jumped up and kicked the window in, glass shattering all over the driver. His buddy had begun reaching for something in the glove box, which Keith snatched immediately and pointed at the two men.

"How about now you let me have a look?" Keith asked. Shaking, one handed him the key. Walking around and unlocking the door, Keith had already speed-dialed 911 and quickly told them his location. Opening the doors, Keith found someone inside he wasn't expecting to find. Hands and feet bound, glasses cracked, and eyes flaming, was none other than Pidge. 

"Thank god! It was fucking stuffy in there! Hey, assholes!" Pidge screamed at the two kidnappers as Keith helped them out of the van. "Get some fucking air conditioning!" 

"Are you alright?" Keith asked once he'd undone the last couple of ropes holding Pidge's arms behind her back. 

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks though," Pidge said. Just then, the police arrived, so Keith and Pidge were both pulled away to give all the information they could to the cops. Afterward though, Pidge pulled Keith aside. 

"Is everything alright?" Keith asked. Pidge squinted at him. He knew his mask hid his physical identity, but not his voice. 

"Have we met? Like, when you're not all Mr. badass? You sound kinda familiar," Pidge said. Keith knew he couldn't let them find out. Lance already knew. He couldn't have someone else knowing too. 

"I don't believe so."

"Oh. I could have sworn I've heard your voice around my school," She paused, fixing her glasses. "Thanks again," She said, before walking off to her brother, who'd come to pick her up. Keith left the scene but didn't go home, instead just waiting on top of a building. The sun had almost set, and criminal activity usually picked up at night. Keith had nothing to do outside of being a masked hero at the moment, so he had time to kill. Just as the sun slipped down below the horizon, Keith heard a sound behind him. Turning quickly, he saw a flash of a red and black mask, but upon investigation, nobody was to be seen. He decided to stay on top of the building to keep an eye on the city. 

He should have left. 

Not ten minutes later, he was suddenly pinned to the wall of the roof, a hand firmly pressing his face to the hard concrete wall. 

"Do you know how hard it was to get away from the police after earlier today? I almost thought we'd never get out revenge," A voice said. Keith panicked. It was the voice of the van driver from earlier. Keith kicked behind him, sending the man back a few steps so he could stand. 

"I suggest you get out of here before I call the cops again," Keith said. "After all, it's that or a 40-story drop straight down to the street."

"You're the one at a disadvantage. Its two against one, Spider Boy. You're gonna lose," The other man said. Keith panicked once again when both men flipped out switchblades. Keith backed up, three small steps taking him to the edge of the wall. Thinking quickly, he faked left, before throwing a punch at the man on the right. They fell to the ground, and Keith kicked their blade away. The other man, the driver, wasn't so easy. He dodged Keith's punch, getting a kick in at Keith's side. He flinched but threw another kick back at the man. This time he landed a hit, and the man staggered back. This time, the man threw a punch with his knife, which barely missed Keith's face. Keith knew he was in trouble at this point. He was just about to go for another kick when hands were on his shoulders. The man had taken advantage of his kick preparation and shoved him hard. Keith stumbled back, heels both hitting the low wall. One more punch and he'd be through. That punch came. Keith flew over the wall, everything seems to move in slow motion. Keith shot a web up, slowing his descent- until the man cut it, smiling atop the roof. 

Keith fell. He was falling fast. And the fall was not one he'd survive at this point. 

He panicked. Would he live? Would he die? Would he get to say everything he'd never gotten to say to so many people?


Keith closed his eyes and prepared for impact on the hard street. 

But the impact never came. 



Behind the Mask // Klance AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin