Hotel Room 422

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Title: Hotel Room 422

Genre: Teen Fiction, Humor


It's that dreaded time of year again. The family trip to Pennsylvania where the weather's warm and the sun's always shining.

Ha, made you laugh didnt I?

You see every year my parents and my two siblings decide it's a good idea to have a "family bonding trip" to our old hometown. In reality, it was a crappy week long trip that I spent holed up in my room watching TV and wishing I could be back in sunny Florida.

But this time when 18 year old Rachel Morgie comes for her last trip to PA before she goes off to college, she plans to spend her last horrible trip hiding in her room and sitting in the hot tub. But that idea comes crashing down when she meets the guests staying in Hotel Room 422, the room right next to her. Well, she doesn't exactly meet them, more like find them passed out in front of her room.

A week staying next to three troublesome boys who never seem to let her sleep with their seemingly wild parties. What's even worse is that Rachel finds them everywhere around the hotel, and they don't seem to be able to leave her alone.

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