three: then there were nine

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The bell rang again, signaling morning.

I woke up to a soaked pillow. Guess I cried myself to sleep.

I wondered what kind of challenge he could've thought of today.

"Wakey wakey! Eggs and backey!" He cheered.

I sat up and the maids came and unlatched our mini table that was attached to our beds. My maid put the mini table around my thighs, then placed the tray on my table.

"You need a very nutritious breakfast today, ladies because we're running today!"

After eating, we were signaled to get up and change. I approached my running outfit which was black and white. Like a finish line.

"Alright, ladies. File into the arena."

We obediently headed to the arena.

"Where's Paige?!" He screeched over the loudspeaker.

The girls started looking around, but there was no sign of Paige.

"Paige Hyland! Reveal yourself right now or when you get out, I'll kill you!"

There was nothing. Finally, Paige emerged from the bedroom.

"You can kill me. I'm sorry. You can kill me." Paige murmured.

Paige looked like she hadn't slept at all last night. She looked dazed.

"I'm not going to kill you. Only for today. If you pull something like that again, consider yourself eliminated."

Paige nods, then walks over to the group.

"Stand behind the lines." Again, we obeyed.

Now, the floor opened up to reveal a track. I was so ready. I was on the track team for my school... before I got kidnapped.

We got ready and we heard his idiotic voice crackle over the speaker.

"And then there were nine. Racers, on your marks... get set... go!"

We were sprinting. Again, I was in first place. I smirked to myself. I was so proud, so I started going faster. Then, I lost control and realized I was going too fast. I tripped and face planted. No one stopped for me. I quickly got up, now in last place and sprinted hard. I came in right before Jojo. Who got last place.

"Jojo!" Mackenzie screeched. "No! Don't take her please! Take me instead! Please! Can you even hear me?!" The guards pushed past Mackenzie as though she were nothing.

"You guys are all HEARTLESS!" She screamed.

Jojo struggled in the guards' arms and tried to kick them and break free, but she couldn't. They took her away and we heard another gunshot. Mackenzie whimpered.

"She's gone." Mackenzie cried, softly.

We noticed something was off with Mackenzie. She seemed much paler than usual. We saw her eyes flicker. "Mackenzie!"

"Help! She's out cold!" The girls all began screaming at once.

A nurse quickly rushed in and checked if she was still breathing and checked her pulse.

"She's going to be fine." She said to us.

All of us sighed in relief.

"She's waking up!" Nia cheered.

Mackenzie's eyes fluttered open and we all began to cheer and scream.

"Kenzie! You're back!"

"Well, puppets, you guys shouldn't be happy she lived."

Mackenzie gasped. "What? Why?"

"The game would've ended earlier. I know that's what we all wanted."

"I'd rather have Mackenzie alive and have the 'game' be longer than have Mackenzie dead and have the 'game' shorter." I said.

"That's what they all say." The abductor said.

It was time for lights out and we all got into bed and the screen flashed now with Jojo's including the two empty beds and next to it again said...

"Rest in Peace, Jojo Siwa."

I again felt nauseous. None of us deserve this. We shouldn't be here. This should've never happened.

"Lights out, my puppets." The lights flickered out, leaving us in darkness and silence.

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