seven: then there were five

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The morning bell rang.

"And then there were five."

"Get up, my darling puppets. We're taking a trip down memory lane into your childhood."

I saw Kendall cringe slightly. I guess poor Kendall didn't have a good childhood.

We put on identical childish dresses and tied our hair into two pigtails.

"This is ridiculous." Kendall sneered.

"Tell me about it." Chloe said, rolling her eyes.

"Aww, such adorable little girls."

We all rolled our eyes.

"Today, we are doing a traditional game of hide and seek!"

Is hide and seek traditional if it's deadly? If so, then you've had a seriously messed up childhood... I thought, wishing I could say that to my abductor.

"But hide well, puppets. Not all childhood games are friendly."

Since we were all behind the line, we felt the floor open up and reveal an enormous, normal looking 'house'. The 'house' was very cluttered, giving us more places to hide.

"Now, puppets. If you look slightly up, you will see me in a glass cubicle."

We all glanced at the glass cubicle.

"When I say 'go,' these walls will be opaque, meaning you can't see me and I can't see you. My guards will be standing there when I can't see you and make sure you're playing and not running away from your puppet master."

I shivered.

"You will be given a minute to complete the task of hiding. Ready... Set... Go!"

I sprinted for the bedroom and climbed into the closet.

I see an air vent and decide to hide in there.

Isn't this a fake house? Why is there an air vent?


I quivered, scared for my life. I've never been so terrified of hide and seek.

I wasn't sure if there was anyone in the room with me.

"Ready or not, puppets, here I come!"

I could hear very faint rustling in the living room.

"Oh, puppets, puppets, come out, come out where ever you are!"

A shiver went up my spine.

His footsteps grew farther away and I took a deep breath, realizing I've been holding my breath this whole time.

Suddenly, the bedroom door bursts open. I let out a silent gasp.

"Did I scare you, puppets?" He chuckles.

The closet door flings open.

I hold my breath.

"Chloe, Kendall, Kalani? Yoo-hoo?"

Tears fill my eyes.

It's over. He found me. I'm dead.

The closet door slams shut. Silent tears stream down my cheeks.

A piercing shriek fills the air. "LET ME GO, YOU DEMON!" Kenzie.

"You're so easy to find! Hiding under the bed? Rookie mistake!" He laughs a cold laugh.

The tears come down my face quicker. I let out a shaky breath.

They exit the room, leaving me tucked into the air vent.

Seconds later, we hear the speaker come on.

"Come out, puppets. We have our loser."

I crawled out of the air vent, tears soaking my face.

I guess it was just me and Kenzie in the room...

"Bye, Kenzie." The abductor says.

We hear the gunshot, knowing she's truly gone.


The screen flashes.

"Rest in Peace, Mackenzie Ziegler."

"Lights out, puppets."

I cried myself to sleep, worrying about the challenges to come.

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