five: then there were seven

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The bell rang.

"And then there were seven."

I woke up, feeling groggier than ever. Again, I had a terrible night and yet another Maddie nightmare.

"Get up, puppets. Breakfast is ready."

Another healthy breakfast appeared. Oh good, another active activity. I rolled my eyes.

When I approached my vanity, I felt shocked at the overly formal dress waiting for me. I slid it on, unaware of what "active" activity we can do in a somewhat tight dress.

We were escorted into the auditorium and again spaced ourselves out. Instead of the big screen with our abductor's face on it, it was a huge mirror.

"My puppets, today were going to dance!"

I've never been to a dance class before in my life.

"We have a choreographer here for all you to learn the dance he's prepared for you. Each of you will perform the dance individually and I will be the judge. Get ready to learn. Begin the lesson, Aleksander."

He taught somewhat complicated choreography, but I processed it quickly. My life depended on it. Sadly, that's not a metaphor.

We kept running through it to the song "Never Forget You" by Zara Larsson & MNEK. It was honestly beautiful choreography to a beautiful song.

I was sure I'd gotten it down.

"Everyone sit. Except Kendall."

Kendall stayed standing.

"Step forward and walk towards the middle of the arena."

She stood in the middle, slightly in front of all of us. She needed her space to perform.

The song began. "I used to be so happy but without you here I feel so low..."

She did a variety of spins and twists and leaps. She looked amazing and very professional as she was doing the dance. I guessed that she was a dancer or had at least some experience in dancing. "Til the day I die..." The song ended.

We heard clapping. "Beautifully executed, Kendall."

We all clapped along. Kendall sat back down.

"Chloe. Stand."

Then, Chloe went. After Chloe, Nia went, then Kenzie. Paige went after Kenzie, and as she was about to land one of her leaps, she slipped and fell.

"No..." Paige murmured. She continued dancing, even though she knew what fate held for her. Death. I could see Paige trying to hold her tears until the song ended, and it broke my heart.

"Well, Paige... Maybe you won't be the worst... If another one of these girls mess up worse than you messed up."

I was called up next.

I carefully and gracefully executed every step of the choreography and I could feel the ending coming nearer. For the finale, I sprang into the air, twirling twice, and landed into the splits. I threw my arms and my head in the air as the song ended.

"That was gorgeous, Kalani." The abductor said.

Paige scoffed and rolled her eyes.

At least I'm not the one that's going to die. I snarled in my head. Then, I realized what I just thought. Oh my God, that's terrible... I can't believe how horrible that thought was.

After me, Brynn went. She was the last one and no one, except Paige, messed up.

"Well, it's pretty obvious who's getting eliminated." He paused. "Paige." The guards came and took her. Paige was so far the longest to fight with the guards by trying to kick them or hurt them in some other way.

We heard a gunshot and we knew that the bravest one in the group was dead.


The same screen flashes.

"Rest in Peace, Paige Hyland."

"Lights out, puppets."

As I laid in bed, I thought to myself. You're not always going to win... What if you die within the rest of the challenges? I mentally groaned. I can't stress myself out with these thoughts right now. I need sleep so I can focus on competition. So I can win.

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