Chapter 3

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Julia's POV

I was Really Nervous around him and I didn't know why. We both walked in silence to his car and we drove to the restaurant. when we got there, we sat down. it was quiet for the longest time before I finally got the courage to speak up.

"so how did you discover minecraft?" I asked him. He explained and then asked me how I discovered it.

"well, my friends played minecraft a lot and then I found you guys and started watch you play minecraft so it just kind of developed my love for the game and when I finally got it I was so happy" I replied. After that the date went fairly well. we talked some more about minecraft and some other things that we had in common. when dinner was done and we were walking out, he looked at me and said

"hey I know this might be kind of sudden, I mean I know we just met and all but I was really wondering if maybe it would be possible..."

"what is it already?" I asked.

"well ummmm... do you  ahhh do you want to be my girlfriend?" he said quickly before looking away. I was surprised. We had just met today and he already asked me to be his girlfriend? what do I say? do I say no? should I say yes? I didn't know!!! I was freaking out inside, but I somehow managed to keep my expression in check.

"I mean its fine if you say no cause I mean-"

"yes" I said, cutting him off.

"what he looked at me confused.

"yes I will be your girlfriend" I replied.

"really?" he asked

"ya," I said now laughing a bit," of course" then he did something I didn't expect. he kissed me. I felt his lips on mine and before I knew it I had my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. we broke off and looked at each other, then looked away quickly.

"I should probably get back" I said.

"ya probably" he said. after that neither one of us spoke until we were in front of my hotel room door.

"thanks for a great night" I said.

"your welcome" he replied. I kissed him on the cheek before walking into my hotel room. I flopped down on the bed and waited for my friends to get back. I wondered where they could be.

sorry this chapter is so short but I want a few certain SOMEONES to stop spamming my phone so that's what happened with Julia, anyways, BU-BYE

Youtuber Love Triangle??? {A Teamcraft/My Oc's Fan fiction}Where stories live. Discover now