Chapter 8

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Jerome's POV (omg right? there's a first time for everything)

Megan had walked out of the room to go get her Iphone, and when she came back in she said "clear the dance floor". we all gathered in the kitchen entrance, and I noticed me, Mitch, and Adam were all in front. She hit shuffle and then the song came on. It was DJS Got Us Fallin in Love by Usher. I watched amazed, as she began to dance. I was like she was one with the music. she spun, twirled leaped, and even almost kicked her own face. She seemed to have just enough sass that it want perfect with the music. It was amazing. I didn't even relies my mouth was hanging open in surprise. after she finished, we all just kind of stared at her.

"Megan that was... Amazing" I said finally finding my voice.

Megan's POV

I was thrown off by the complement that I didn't know what to say. I mean I wasn't THAT good at dancing. I at least, I didn't think I was that good.

"ummmmm," I replied uncertainly," thanks I guess" I started staring at my feet.

"I mean I'm not that good" I said.

"How can you say that? that was AMAZING!" Adam said. I started blushing madly and continued to stare at my feet. slowly, one by one, they began clapping. I blushed even harder. I was going to get Julia for this. although it was nice to have my skills appreciated.

"so ummm, its my turn now right?" I asked.

"yep" Julia said cheerfully. I stared daggers at her. she suddenly looked very worried.

"not yet but soon I will get back at you for that" I said, and then I turned to everyone else.

"why are you guys still standing in the kitchen, come on." I said dragging them back into the living room. Some how I felt my dancing had distracted them from what had happened with the fighting.

"alright, ummmm, Adam, truth or dare?" I asked

"dare" he replied

"Ok you have to kiss Ty" I said smirking evilly.


"SKYLOX FOREVER, #POWEROFFANGIRLS" I replied, still smiling.

"Ty I'm sorry," Adam said as he looked at Ty.

"WAIT, WHAT?????" Ty said right before Adam kissed him on the lips. I quickly snapped a pic with my Iphone and started laughing. Adam Back away as soon as he could and glared at me.

"your evil" He said.

"I know" I replied still smiling.

"MOVING ON' Taylor shouted.

"Ok Jerome, truth or Dare?" Adam asked.

"truth" he replied.

"Is Merome possible?" Adam asked. both Jerome and Mitch blushed and stared at the floor.

"ummmmmmmmm, new question?" he asked hopefully.

"NOPE" me, Taylor and Julia all said at once.

"awww, ok" he said, hesitating, "Maybe it already did" both he and Mitch blushed and started staring at the floor.


"Ok Ian, Truth or dare?" Jerome asked quickly.

"hey hey hey not so fast I WANT DETAILS" I said looking at them, "WHEN? WHERE? WHY? HOW? ANSWER ME!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"only one question" Jerome said.


"so Ian, truth or dare?" Jerome asked.

"I will get the answers somehow, Jerome, Mitch, watched your backs, hehehehehehehehe" I said creepily while laughing darkly. everyone looked at me then started to slowly inch away. I continued to laugh until it was a full blow diabolical cackle. now even my friends where looking at me like I had gone insane. I was having a laugh attack, where I could literally not stop laughing for no apparent reason. They stared scooting away from me really fast. their faces were ones of pure terror.

"would you like to join me in insanity?" I asked, still laughing, "trust me, its fun" I smiled at them, eyes wide, tilting my head ever so slightly.

"OH NO RUN ITS THE INSANITY AGAIN!!!!" Julia screamed and tried to crawl away, and I turned towards her.I acted like this all the time when I was fangirling, and I had to admit that it was fun to watch people react to it.

"TAYLOR, ANGIE DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!" Julia screamed.

"I know!!!" Taylor said getting an idea, "MEGAN, RMEMBER THE CLOCK?????" I stopped immediately. I then curled up in a ball.

"not the clock, ANYTHING BUT THE CLOCK!!!" I shouted. Once everyone realized I was no longer being terrifyingly weird, they all sat back down, but didn't sit to close to me.

"anyone care to explain?" Jordan asked. I was still curled up in a ball, but I slowly uncurled and looked at them. they all looked at me wearily. I just smiled at them creepily again.

"I wont go insane again, at least, not with out sugar." I said. "also sorry for freaking you guys out, that was my crazy side, kind of like Derp Sundee, but probably weirder. it likes to ahhh, make an appearance late at night or when I've had a lot of sugar, so ya, sorry about that"

This was a really long but hey whatever. the clock thing is an inside joke with me and on of my friends from "Don't hug me I'm scared 2" look it up on Youtube its creepy. anyways BU-BYE

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