Chapter 13

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Megan's POV

As I slammed the door in their faces, I turned to Ankita.

"So what club are we going to again?" I asked.

" I don't know, Beth is the only one who's been there." Ankita replied. Beth was another one of our "roommates". We called the others down, and hoped into Beth's car. We drove to the club, and I noticed that the teamcrafted car we following.

"stalker much?" I muttered under my breathe. Ankita heard me and gave me a questioning look before she noticed the car and looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"just ignore them" she said.

-------------------------time skip to the club thing whatever-----------------------------------

we walked in and the music was blaring. we sat down and ordered some drinks, I just got water because even though I could, I didn't drink. Soon after we had walked in, team-crafted walked in to. I continued to talk to my friends like they weren't there. they tried approaching our table a couple times, but a few glares from ankita kept them away. eventually they gave up and ordered some drinks.

------------------3 hours later-------------------------------------------------------------------

All my friends had disappeared into the crowd, and I noticed that Mitch was very drunk. I sat at the bar when he sat next to me. He didn't seem to recognize me, because he asked, "so why are you here?"

"oh, my old boyfriend cheated on me and then he just appeared out of nowhere saying he wanted me back" I replied sighing. "what about you?"

"I'm trying to tell my old girlfriend that I'm sorry that I cheated on her" he replied. the pain in his voice was so real it was hard to not just hug him. I decided that now could be a good time to see what he really felt.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh, she invited her best friend over to our house, we all lived together with a bunch of other guys and girls, and I told my friend that I thought her BFF was kind of cute, and he said that we seemed perfect for each other, so one thing lead to another, and she walked in on me and her BFF making out" he said sadly.

"That seems rather cruel, I mean, you could have just broken up with her" I replied, rather coldly.

"I know, I know, its just, I realized I didn't like her friend in that way, but it was to late, and she had already seen." he said, defeated.

"why were you making out with her friend anyways?" I asked curiously.

"well, her friend said she thought I was kind of cute, and just wasn't thinking. I regret every moment of it now, you know what they say right/" he said," you don't know what you have until its gone"

"What happen to your old girlfriend?" I asked, pretending I didn't know.

"she disappeared on night, just up and left, and I've been depressed ever since" he said rolling up his sleeves. there were old scars on them, and new ones, from cutting. I gasped. I realized he really did love me, and I still loved him. I grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the back door.

"wait, where are we going?" he asked surprised.

"its to load in here, and there's a river behind the club that no one knows about. it has the prettiest view." I said still dragging him (A/N no its not going to happen all you dirty minded people) . he cooperated, and as I reached my old haunt. my friends would come here all the time, but it was to load for me usually, so would come out hear. I sat with my back against the tree, looking out as the river slowly ran by. Mitch sat next to me, and we continued talking, until he fell asleep. I looked at him smiling, and laid his head in my lap, as I felt sleep claim me to.


I woke up to sunlight on my face. my back was stiff, and for a second I was confused. where am I? then last night came back to me and I looked down to Mitch, who's head was still in my lap. he began to stir, and quickly got out so aspirin and a water bottle, along with some sunglasses. My friends always got hangovers, so I carried all that around just in case. he groaned and opened his eyes. mistake number one. he immediately winced, and I quickly grabbed the sunglasses.

"here" I said, putting them on his face.

"thanks Jerome" he said, still not quite awake. I pretended to be hurt.

"I am not Jerome" I said. his eyes snapped open and looked quite surprised.

"Megan? What happened last night? How drunk was I?" He asked. I smiled.

"a certain someone finally opened up and told me what he felt, and so I forgave him" i said smiling as i leaned down to kiss him. Suddenly my phone buzzed. Way to ruin the moment. I looked at my phone and and saw i had 37 missed calls and 122 texts and a missed video chat, all from Ankita, or surprisingly, teamcrafted as well as Julia and Angie. Taylor hadn't texted me once, which surprised me. I quickly replied to their texts saying that i was ok and that i had Mitch with me. I immediately got replies from everyone saying things like


"Come on" i said to him, " we better get going before my phone explodes" he smiled and tried to get up but flopped back down

"stupid hangovers" he muttered. I snorted and handed him the aspirin and water.

" that why i don't drink" i said, helping him up. he was a little unsteady on his feet, but soon we were in front of the club. Teamcrafteds car pulled up first, and they all jumped out and hugged both of us, but Jerome stayed off to the side, looking angry.

SUDDEN ENDING FOR NO REASON!!!!!!!! nah I just wanted to update it but I was to lazy to write anymore so ya, LAZINESS anyways... BU-BYE!!!!!!!

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