Chapter 10

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3 month's later

Megan's POV

As I began putting up my recording stuff, logging off of the Skype call, I thought back to the last 3 month's. not a lot had happened. me, Angie, Taylor< and Julia had all been asked to join team crafted after Taylor, Angie, and Julia had all made their own youtube channels. My subscriber count had skyrocketed after my first video with them, and I was so happy. who knew that my tiny little channel would hit it big? My old BFF was coming to visit to. It had taken awhile, but eventually the guys had stopped hating each other over us. I just hoped that they didn't repeat themselves with Chelsea. Taylor and Ty were dating, as well as Angie and Jason, me and Mitch, and Julia and Jordan. I heard a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it" I shouted. I ran down stairs and opened the door.

"CHELSEA!!!!" I screamed as I tackled her in a hug. "its been way to long" I said.

"cant... Breathe" she gasped.

"sorry!" I said quickly getting off of her. "come on, let me show you to your room" I said grabbing some of her bags and rushing inside. I showed her to her room and helped her unpack. after we were finished I pulled her down stairs so she could meet the guys.

"hey guys, this is my fried Chelsea, say hi!' I said excitedly. They all came up and introduce them selves and shook hands. when it was Mitch's turn, he acted weirdly. Kind of like they had already meet. But that wasn't possible, was it? Anyways, they all got along fairly well. This was going to be a fun week.

----------------4 days later (prepare for drama bomb :))----------------

It was late and we had all just finished partying with our little group. no one else just us, but hey, a party's a party. I was walking back to my room and Jerome was following me to go to his when I heard a noise coming from Mitch's room. It sounded like, KISSING? I began to open the door and I heard Jerome say "Megan Maybe you shouldn't" but after that I didn't here anything. I only saw what was in front of me. Mitch was making out with Chelsea on his bed. I covered my mouth as tears sprung to my eyes. My BOYFRIEND WAS CHEATING ON ME WITH MY BEST FRIEND????? no this couldn't be happening. I was just dreaming. Ya, that's it. but then why did it feel so real? I heard Jerome come up behind me saying "Megan what's wron-" and then he saw it to. I couldn't take it. I sprinted down the hallway to my room and slammed to door. I heard Jerome pounding on my door asking, " Megan are you alright?" I collapsed on my bed and screamed at him, "NO IM NOT ALRIGHT WHY WOULD I BE?" my screams must have attracted the attention of the others because I could here them either screaming at Mitch for being an idiot or trying to get me to open the door. I got up and walked to the door and locked it. then I collapsed on my bed and cried myself to sleep. Its all a dream... I thought as I drifted off. I woke up and my door was still locked. I wondered why but then It all came back to me. I broke down and cried again before steeling my self and walking out my door and down into the kitchen. Jerome was already down there.

"Megan, are you alright?" he asked, concern lacing his voice. I looked into his eyes, and I saw pity there. I didn't want or need pity. I hated it when people pity me.

"if children in Africa can survive on a can of beans a week, then I can survive a petty idiot cheating on me" I replied, my voice dull. Soon everyone except Mitch and Chelsea had joined us, and they all looked at me with pity or sorrow or regret. I didn't want their pity or sadness or regret.

"hey are you alright?" Adam asked, putting his hand on my back.

"where are Mitch and Chelsea?" I asked dodging the question, my voice lacking any emotion. HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME???? WE HAD BEEN DATING FOR 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!! 3 MONTHS!!!!! HAD THAT MENT NOTHING TO HIM????

"they're still in... they're still in Mitch's room" Angie answered, giving me a pitying look. suddenly I wasn't hungry.

"I'm going for a walk" I said getting up

"do you want one of us to come with you?" Julia asked, concern lacing her voice.

"no" I said, with the first real conviction I had had that morning. I grabbed my jacket, realizing that Mitch had given it to me, put it back and walked out the door. I didn't take my phone, or anything. I had no idea how long I was gone. I just kept walking, never really thinking about it, until I came to a Starbucks. I walked inside and sat down, suddenly realizing that my legs were tired. I found a few bucks in my pocket and bought a coffee, but didn't drink it. I got up and walked out, deciding to go back to the house. when I got back I realized it was 2 o'clock in the after noon and I had left at 11. I was gone for 3 hours. but why would they care?

"Megan your back!" Angie said, jumping up from the couch and hugging me.

"why would you care?" I replied gruffly. she looked hurt but I couldn't care less at the moment. everyone looked at me surprised. I began to walk to the stairs, but Adam stopped me.

"you might not want to go up there, Mitch and Chelsea are still up there..." he said.

"and what I might walk in on another one of their make-out sessions? as far as I'm concerned their both dead to me" I said as I pulled out of his grip, leaving them to stare after me in shock.


Youtuber Love Triangle??? {A Teamcraft/My Oc's Fan fiction}Where stories live. Discover now