Our little group has always been

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Yoongi stretched lazily, blinking slowly like a large cat. He leapt lightly onto a ladder and climbed swiftly until he reached the wodden beams that crossed the huge training hall, twenty feet up in the air. He paced across a narrow beam, hooded eyes half closed, until he reached the middle of the room. He liked coming up here to think. Nobody could bother him up here, and there was just something in the way everything seemed so small and insignificant that relaxed him and cleared his mind. He sat down, legs dangling off the beam, and watched the dust motes spiralling through the air, lit up by the ray of sunlight that filtered softly through the skylights. Inspiration came easily to him when he was up here, alone, as well. He'd composed some of his best music sitting right at this spot.

Shadowhunters had a lot of time on their hands, once they were through learning the basics of demon hunting and reading through the Codex, since they didn't go to mundane schools. Some of them passed their time reading, some took up musical instruments or found hobbies. He'd found his passion in composing and producing music. He had a fascination for mundane music, especially Hip-Hop, and secretly tried out rapping from time to time. Only Moonbyul knew about this, since she also shared his interest in rapping. Hoseok and Jimin passed almost all their free time dancing, and Seokjin and Taehyung liked to sing, along with the rest of the girls. They even had a dance studio and a recording studio with all the necessary equipment.

They'd had a hard time convincing the old Head of Institute to allow them to convert the rooms. The Institute belonged to the council, he'd argued, and not to them; it wouldn't be right to change the building after so many years of tradition. It was only when he'd died during the huge battle at Idris againt Valentine and his demons and Seokjin had been appointed as the next Head, that they'd been given permission to do some renovating. Their only condition was to use their own money and not the money of the Institute. Namjoon had been a great help. Being alive for so long, the warlock had some serious cash on his bank account and he'd been only too eager to help, partly because he too had a passion for music.

Yoongi closed his eyes and listened. From here, he could hear faint noises from the streets floating through the open skylight. People laughing, talking. Music. Cars. Birds. And...


His eyes snapped open and he glared at Hoseok who had just burst through the doors. Solar was right on his tail, looking downright livid. Hoseok just looked terrified.

"What," he snapped, irritated.

"Hyung, the boys," Hoseok panted, eyes wide. Solar just stormed off to the armoury, flinging the doors open and arming herself to her teeth.

"What, Hobi," he growled impatiently. He stood up, eyes narrowing. Something was definitely wrong.

"Joonmyun just called," Hoseok stammered quickly, catching the weapons Solar tossed at him and quickly putting them on. "Jimin and Tae, those idiots, they decided to sneak out and take on those Elapid demons you were talking about yesterday. I don't know how they knew about it, but they're there right now, alone!"

"WHAT?!" in a flash of movement, the blond boy flung himself off the beam, landing lightly with a perfect roll to absorb the impact. He could feel rage and worry bubbling up and his thoughts flashed involuntarily to a certain small Shadowhunter with crescent moon eyes, chubby cheeks and bright big smile. If Jimin was hurt, he swore, darting to Solar's side and kitting himself up rapidly, he would pulverise those wretched demons - and heaven forgive whoever dared stand in his way.

"They must have heard me telling you about them yesterday," Solar hissed. She slammed the armoury door shut and started drawing runes on Hoseok's shoulders. Yoongi grabbed his own stele and started tracing a speed rune on his forearm. Worry clouded his mind. Within minutes, they were finished and rushing out the Institute. Joonmyun joined them just outside the Institute, and Solar thanked him hurriedly as they rushed to the old arcade.

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