I will not bow, I will not break

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Jungkook trailed after Yoongi, trying hard not to get lost in the crowd. They hadn't bothered with the Mendelin rune, so people could see them just fine. Most people steered clear of Yoongi, somehow sensing that this was not someone to be crossed, but to his eternal annoyance, no one seemed to have told them that Jungkook was just as badass dangerous as the blond Shadowhunter, and he was continuously jostled from side to side by the busy, bustling crowd. At this rate, he was going to lose sight of Yoongi. He huffed a sigh and was just about to call to the older boy to wait for him, when he noticed that Yoongi had paused in front of a side street. Yoongi gave no reaction when the breathless teen stumbled to a stop next to him, simply starting down the street without a word. The way was mostly empty, and the streets became steadily emptier and narrower as they twisted and turned through the maze of back streets.

Finally, they stopped in front of a small shop with a bright neon sign blaring Xia Hair. Yoongi pushed open the door and the two boys entered. Inside, the shop was warm and brightly lit, cozier than it had seemed from the outside. A tall man with bright red hair stood tending to a sullen looking teenager, who was slumped in his chair looking completely done with the world.

"Yoongi! Long time no see!" the red haired man exclaimed, looking up from the boy's hair.

"Hey, Junsu hyung," Yoongi replied easily. "I see you've changed your hair again. Wasn't it bright yellow, before?"

The boy in the rotating chair snorted. "It was yellow months ago. The last few weeks it was blue. Keep up, dude."

The hairdresser, Junsu, smacked the boy's shoulder, hard.

"Ow!" he yelped, clutching his bruised shoulder.

"Respect your elders, Sehun," Junsu tutted. "And you're one to talk. Who's the one getting his hair turned into a fucking rainbow, hmm?"

Yoongi snorted with laughter. "A rainbow?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he strolled over to the chair next to Sehun's and threw himself down. Jungkook followed, sitting himself down carefully next to Yoongi.

"None of your business, Shadowhunter," Sehun growled, scowling.

Yoongi just flicked his forehead. "Manners, kid. Joonmyun would be so disappointed with you - a member of his pack being so rude, how disgraceful," he grinned, settling back into his chair as Sehun massaged his sore forehead, grumbling.

"Who's the new kid, Yoongi?" Junsu asked absentmindedly, concentrating on applying the correct dye to each strand of Sehun's hair.

"Jungkook," Yoongi grunted. "New recruit. Just Ascended." Jungkook muttered a small hello. "Boy's a genius," Yoongi added grudgingly. "A natural. Better than anyone I've seen 'till now." Jungkook blinked at the unexpected compliment, slightly embarassed. He felt strangely proud of earning the skilled Nephilim's approval. "He needs a haircut," Yoongi continued.

"Mm, I can see that," Junsu hummed, regarding Jungkook's mop of hair with a professional disgust. "And you? What color will it be this time?"

"I was thinking green," Yoongi said, voice thoughtful. He eyed a strand of white-blond hair critically, twisting it in his fingers. "Not the kind of dark seaweed green you had before, hyung - I was thinking more of a... mint color. What do you think?"

Junsu looked him over quickly, thinking about it. "It's not a color anyone's tried before," he said finally, pulling a heating machine over and setting it up behind Sehun. "but with your pale complexion, I think it might actually suit you pretty well. Good choice," he approved, and turned the machine on. The huge fan started turning slowly, heating the hair product and letting it set.

"Alright, then. Let's get to work," Junsu trilled, coming to stand behind Yoongi. "I'll do a treatment on you first. You'll need it if you want to keep your hair from falling out with the constant abuse. I'll cut Jungkook's hair while it works its magic - and I mean that literally: that stuff is from Jackson, and it works wonders, I swear. You're not gonna dye your hair, kid?" he asked, pumping some product onto his gloved hands.

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