Just Let Me Love You

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It was dark by the time Jungkook and Taehyung started heading back to the Institute. Sparks of light were flickering on all over the city; streetlamps and neon signs, the harsh glow of car headlamps and the soft lamplight shining from between the curtains of living rooms.

Jungkook and Taehyung walked in silence among the lights, enjoying the night view. There weren't that many pedestrians around them. Most people were in their cars zooming past or already in bars, drinking the night away. The rush hour had passed - the streets were calm and quiet. Jungkook whistled a small tune as they walked. A soft look in his eyes, he drank in the cool night air and the twinkling night view. Taehyung glanced at him quickly. They were walking side by side, close enough for their hands to risk bumping into each other, and his hands were itching to grab the younger's. A fierce internal debate ensued. Should he just hold his hand or not? Should he ask? Should he just leave it be? A million thoughts flew through the frowning boy's head.

Jungkook grinned to himself, guessing what was going on in Taehyung's mind.

"You should stop twitching your fingers so, hyung," he chuckled. Taehyung startled and blushed, curling his fingers into fists. Jungkook laughed and reached for his hand, smoothing out the curled fingers and sliding his own through them. "I could hear your thoughts all the way from here," he teased, swinging their linked hands lightly. Taehyung let out an embarrassed cough. Despite his chagrin, a happy smile still broke out on his face as he gripped Jungkook's hand tighter and he started humming happily.

They were almost at the Institute when they heard a surprised voice.


Both boys spun around simultaneously, looking for the speaker. Jungkook had a sinking feeling in his stomach that he tried to ignore. The voice was horribly familiar to him and he hoped with all his heart that it wasn't who he thought it wa-

"It is you!" A middle aged man in an expensive business suit stood on the sidewalk, a black Mercedes Benz idling in front of him with another man in black holding the back door open.

"Dad," Jungkook faltered, shrinking into himself. Taehyung frowned, confused at the way the other was behaving.

"Hello, Mr. Jeon!" he decided to introduce himself, stepping forward with a hand stretched out. Jungkook stretched out a hand to stop him but Taehyung didn't see it, smiling broadly at the austere businessman. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Kookie's friend-"

"What do you think you're doing?" Mr. Jeon snapped at Jungkook, completely ignoring Taehyung. The older boy frowned again, slowly pulling his hand back as he glanced between the father and son. "I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again. What are you doing here, in Gangnam? And holding hands with another boy, at that?"

Jungkook seemed to grow smaller with every word his father threw at him, looking down at the ground and wringing his hands like a scolded little boy. "I'm sorry, father," he muttered in a broken voice, a sob threatening to break through.

"Disgusting," the man spat, glancing disdainfully at Taehyung. "No wonder you're such a disgrace to the family name. Bah!" He spat at Jungkook's feet. "Seeing things and making up stories about monsters, lying, acting out, felony! And now, you turn out to be a f*cking faggot, too?" Taehyung's head snapped up at that, staring at him in shock. "It disgusts me to think that you're my son."

Jungkook was crying now, silent tears dripping off his nose onto the cold asphalt. Taehyung was frozen in place - he couldn't believe his ears.

"Don't you think you'll get anything from coming back home, boy," Mr. Jeon continued. "I don't care if you grovel or beg - we're not taking you back in. And don't expect any help or money, either. As I said, you're no son of mine any longer." And with those final icy cold words, he turned to get into his car.

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