Yoonmin Operation Pt.4 : Finally, the ship sails!

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The day after the seven boys' arrival in the Seoul Institute was extremely hot and sunny, and Sungjae was bored out of his mind. The others were all busy - the Tokyo boys had gone out sightseeing, but Sungjae had already seen everything when he'd visited Seoul with his parents the year before, so he'd stayed behind. The girls had accompanied them, along with Seokjin and Namjoon. Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook were nowhere to be found, and besides, he wasn't that close to them yet. Wheein and Hwasa, he'd bonded with immediately, thanks to their natural friendliness and their shared age, but contrary to his bright, friendly attitude, Sungjae was actually a slight introvert who easily got shy. He tried his best to cover it up by starting up conversations with strangers and being hyperactive all the time, but unless the other party reciprocated his efforts, he found it hard to make new friends. Hoseok was easier for him to get comfortable with - that bubbly, bright hyung didn't give him a chance to feel awkward, always joking around and talking animatedly. Yoongi and Jungkook, however, were quiet and introverted - at least until you got to know them well - and Sungjae hadn't been able to get over his initial worries and shyness enough to break through their walls.

He wandered around the Institute humming softly, admiring the different paintings on the walls and striking up random one-sided conversations with suits of armor. Feeling the call of nature, he rushed inside the bathroom next to the Training hall. He'd expected it to be empty - he wasn't expecting to run into a tall, gangly boy with large, pretty brown eyes and go sprawling on the cold tiles of the bathroom.

"Oof," he grunted as he hit the floor.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry!" the boy gasped, stretching out a hand to help him up. "Are you OK?" To his surprise, the fallen stranger widened his eyes with a comically horrified face, clutching at his stomach and lurching up to stagger into a stall, ignoring the concerned boy's outstretched hand.

"Ooohhhh," a long extended groan came from behind the closed door, and the tall shadowhunter standing outside blinked confusedly, a slight blush creeping up his neck.

"Uh, are you alright?" he asked tentatively, knocking lightly on the door to the stall.

"Yeah, sorry," Sungjae called back, relief clear in his voice. "That surprised me, you almost made me wet myself!"

The other jerked back in surprise at the unexpected confession, then burst out laughing.

"Sorry," he giggled. Sungjae laughed along with him, quickly flushing and exiting the stall with a sheepish face.

"Hi," he grinned. "I'm Sungjae. I arrived yesterday with my hyungs. You must be one of the two missing dudes. Uhh.. Jimin? and... Taeyang?" Bent over the washbasin, he scrunched up his face in the mirror trying to remember the names.

"Taehyung," the other shadowhunter corrected. "That's me." He gave a playful wink.

"Taehyung," Sungjae repeated. "Nice to finally meet you." He wiped his wet hands on a paper towel and extended a slightly damp hand for Taehyung to shake.

"Hi, Sungjae-ssi. Great to meet you too. Sorry I wasn't there to welcome you yesterday. There was a... uh, crisis." He wrinkled his brow in distaste at the memory.

Sungjae shook his head. "Apparently, you're the same age as I am," he explained. "No need for formalities - just call me by my name. And what kind of crisis was it?" he asked, curious.

"OK, Sungjae. And trust me, you don't even want to know." He rolled his eyes, lolling back against the counter. "There's trouble brewing in the air, that's for sure."

Sungjae raised his eyebrows. He was around the same height as Taehyung, maybe a centimeter taller, he noticed. He hopped up onto the counter beside Taehyung and raised an eyebrow. "Explain," he demanded, already feeling at home with the other. Maybe it was his unassuming air, or the fact that they were the same age, but he felt strangely comfortable chatting to the brunet. He could sense he was a kindred spirit.

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