And always will until the end

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Yoongi sat at Jimin's bedside, looking down at the younger boy. He looked so small and defenceless, lying there in the infirmary. Yoongi's heart ached for him. The wound on his arm was bandaged and his other wounds had all healed, and Yoongi could almost believe Jimin was simply sleeping. But the truth was, Jimin had been unconscious these last few hours, body waging war against the Elapid venom in his blood. As soon as they'd arrived at the Institute, Solar had called in Jackson, Namjoon's fellow warlock. The flashy warlock had worked his magic on Jimin, drawing the venom out of his system and countering the deadly effect the poison had had on his body. He'd finished just a few minutes ago, sweaty and exhausted. He'd done his best, he said, but he needed help to finish. He'd sent a message to Namjoon - the High Warlock would be able to finish the spell. He'd then proceeded to pass out in the bed next to Jimin's, snoring loudly.

Hoseok stuck his head through the door. Spotting Yoongi, he came over, putting a comforting hand on his best friend's shoulder. "How is he?" he asked solemnly, giving Jimin's unconscious form a quick scan.

"He needs Namjoon to finish the healing process," Yoongi replied dully. "The warlock said he's past the worst part, but even with Namjoon's help it all boils down to whether his body is strong enough to survive the process, in the end. If he wakes up in the next 24 hours, he'll be fine. Any longer, and it becomes harder to predict." Hoseok squeezed his shoulder briefly.

"Taehyung's a mess," he said quietly. "He blames himself for everything."

"As he should," Yoongi growled angrily, eyes flashing dangerously.

"Don't be like that," Hoseok sighed. "He's suffering just as much as you. Maybe even more. Jimin is his Parabatai, after all."

"Yeah," Yoongi sighed, deflating. He didn't really blame the young Nephilim. Taehyung could be reckless and impulsive at times, but he would never willingly put his loved ones in serious danger. He and Jimin couldn't have known there would be so many of the creatures. And Yoongi knew that Taehyung loved Jimin more than anything else. So no, he couldn't really stay angry at the kid.

"Where is he?" he asked.

"In his room. He's been crying his eyes out ever since we came back."

Yoongi sighed again, standing up. "I'll go check on him," he said. Hoseok nodded, smiling at him before taking his place beside Jimin's bed.

Yoongi headed for Taehyung's room. He hesitated before knocking.

"Come in," a muffled voice sniffled, voice cracking miserably. He pushed the door open a crack, just enough to slip through, then pulled it closed behind him. The room was dark, just enough light coming through the crack in the curtains for him to make out a lump in the middle of the bed. He sat down beside the huddle of blankets, where muffled sniffles and sad little hiccups were coming from. Yoongi sighed again.

"Stop crying, kid," he said gruffly, patting the lump of blankets awkwardly. The sobs paused briefly before coming back harder than ever.

"S-s- sorry, hyung," Taehyung hiccoughed. "I d-didn't mean for Jiminie to get h-hurt. And I can f-feel him, h-here," he sniffed, suddenly sitting up and putting a hand on his chest. The blankets slipped off his head and pooled around him, forming a sort of nest. He looked so pathetic and lost, nose red from all the crying, that Yoongi felt his heart go out to the boy. He cursed his soft heart.

"He's gonna be fine, Tae," he promised, pulling him closer and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "It wasn't your fault. You shouldn't have gone there in the first place, yeah, but you couldn't have known how many there were."

"But I got him hurt!" Taehyung wailed, flinging himself onto Yoongi and sobbing into his chest. Yoongi rolled his eyes fondly. "There there," he said gruffly, patting Taehyung's head.

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