How could I miss, something as simple as this?

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Jimin sped through the playground. His heart was working overtime, beating in time with his pounding feet. The children made way for him, the glamour over him and the Vetis demon keeping them from seeing anything alarming. Judging from their surprised laughs and shouts, all they saw was a naughty dog running away from its owner. Jimin was grateful for that. He really didn't want to have to deal with hysterical, panicking children forming a mass stampede away from the hideous demon on top of his mission.

The demon sped away, heading for the far side of the playground, and Jimin gave chase, hoping to catch up to it before it could run away. The far side was ringed by stone steps leading up to a mossy wall, which Jimin really didn't want to see it disappear over.

Just then, a child caught his eye - it was a little girl, around 9 or 10, with adorable little curly bunches of hair tied up in pigtails, wearing a cute striped shirt under denim dungarees. Unlike the other children, she wasn't laughing or playing with her friends. It was the look of shock and fear in her eyes that caught him off guard, startling him and distracting him from his main purpose.

That was a mistake. Sensing Jimin's distraction and feeling that it had let him come too close for comfort, the Vetis demon suddenly changed tactics, wheeling around and charging straight at the distracted boy. The girl's scream alerted him just in time; he spun away from the attack, the demon's deadly jaws closing over where his arm had been just seconds ago.

However, his movement had sent him straight into the path of the demon's serpentine arms that immediately wound tightly around him. He gasped for breath, clutching in vain at the slippery, scaly arms that were slowly choking him and crushing his ribs. Stars exploded behind his eyes as the air whooshed out of his lungs.

"Jimin!" he heard someone shout. His head spun from the lack of oxygen - he couldn't tell exactly who it was.

He saw only bits and flashes of the situation: the girl standing stock still, frozen to the spot in terror; Moonbyul racing towards him; a bright flash of metal as she threw her chakram. One of Solar's Japanese throwing knives embedded in the demon's scaly gray leg; Hwasa grabbing the girl and pulling her to safety.

He gasped for breath, feeling his consciousness slipping away. Suddenly, the demon jerked back, growling loudly. The arms around him loosened and he fell to the ground, spluttering for breath as the world spun around him. He threw his head back drawing in a huge gulping breath and saw his boyfriend clinging to the demon's back, grimly holding on despite the monster's efforts to dislodge him. Clinging on with his legs wrapped tightly around the demon's torso, he repeatedly stabbed at the tough scaly hide protecting the demon's neck.

"Yoongi!" Solar yelled, and the mint-haired boy glanced up, meeting her eyes and nodding slightly before grabbing the demon's jaw and holding it still. He gritted his teeth as the demon thrashed about, barely able to hold on while keeping the head steady.

As soon as Yoongi had positioned the head, Yongsun drew her hand back and threw another of her knives with deadly accuracy. The demon howled in pain as the knife pierced its eye, sinking in to the hilt. It bucked in agony and Yoongi was thrown off, landing on all fours with a grunt. Before he could move, the demon fell on him, snapping blindly at him as he struggled to keep its jaws away from his throat.

Hwasa was still protecting the little girl from the worst of the battle but Moonbyul and Solar did their best to pull the thing off Yoongi. Solar's crystal knife sliced straight through its right arm making it howl loudly but its jaws still snapped at Yoongi, the mismatched sharp teeth narrowly missing his pale throat.

Jimin struggled up from where he had fallen. Clenching his jaw in determination, he sprang at the grappling pair. Uttering a loud yell, he yanked the lizard-like demon's head back savagely and passed his knife in front of its bared throat. He straddled its shoulders to gain leverage as he grabbed the blade of the knife with his other hand, ignoring Yoongi's shout of shock. With a grunt, he threw his body back. His full weight was now resting on the edge of the sharp blade cutting into the demon's neck. One hand on the handle and the other slick with blood as the steel dug into his palm, the weight of his body did what Yoongi's stabs and his strikes had been unable to do - the blade passed straight through the tough scaly hide and severed the demon's head from its shoulders.

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