Yoonmin Op. Pt.2 : Wait... what?!?

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"Wait, what?!?" Hoseok gasped. He stood frozen in the doorway, not believing his ears. The two boys whipped round guiltily.

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelped, turning red. "It's not what you think!"

"Oh yeah?" Hoseok sneered, growing angrier by the minute. "What the hell, Yoongi? I thought you liked Jimin!" He glared at his best friend.

"I do!" Yoongi protested, ears red. "Look, it really isn't like whatever weird situtation you're imagining up, ok? Jeez, don't glare at me like that Hobi, you're scaring me," he tried to joke, but Hoseok was having none of it.

"Oh yeah? he repeated sarcastically. "Tell me what was going on, then, because to me it sounded very much like Jungkook just asked you out and you fucking agreed."

Jungkook stared down at his shoes, looking abashed. Hoseok tapped his foot impatiently, arms crossed and a deep scowl on his face.

"I'm waiting," he snapped.

Jungkook was mortified, to say the least. He wondered distractedly just how this entire situation had gone so wrong as he bit his lips, mentally preparing himself to explain. Hoseok looked angrier than he had ever seen him before, and he had to admit he was terrified of the normally happy-go-lucky boy's transformation. Hoseok was scary when he was mad.

The day had started off normal. He'd wandered into the training hall after breakfast and almost had a heart attack when he discovered Yoongi napping, of all places, on one of the wooden beams criss-crossing the ceiling of the hall. He'd yelped in alarm when he'd first noticed the older boy lying flat on his back on the narrow beam, worried he might fall off in his sleep and hurtle to his death, but Yoongi had just waved him off when he'd climbed up to wake him up, saying he liked it up here and wouldn't fall, don't worry kiddo. Jungkook had watched in awe as he then re-closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, still balanced precariously on the narrow strip of wood twenty feet above the ground.

He'd eventually left the other boy to his nap, returning to the floor and starting to practice fighting with a spear. He'd discovered that it was fun fighting with the long metal-tipped stick a few days ago and had been practicing diligently ever since, whacking down straw dummies with enough force to burst them open, whirling the spear around like an acrobat whirling his baton.

That day, he was practicing actually throwing the spear. He'd been completely focused on perfecting his aim when Yoongi had finally woken up.

"You're holding it wrong," a sleepy voice sounded from behind his back, startling him and making him drop the weapon.

"Oh, hyung, you scared me," Jungkook said weakly, bending down to pick up the fallen stick. "What am I doing wrong?"

"You're supposed to hold it like this," Yoongi instructed, moving around to show him the correct position. "You're gripping it too hard. Too much force will make it go off-course when you throw it." With Yoongi's help, he finally managed to throw the spear halfway across the hall, impaling a dummy straight through where its stuffed straw heart should be. Jungkook cheered in triumph and flopped down on the thick mat lining the combat ring. Yoongi ruffled his hair proudly and sat down beside him.

"Hyung," Jungkook said then, voicing a thought he'd been struggling with for the past few days. "How do you confess to someone you think you like?"

Yoongi glanced at the younger boy, taken aback. Jungkook was lying on his back, an arm thrown over his eyes as if embarassed by his sudden question.

"You think you like them?" he asked, just to clarify things.

Jungkook blushed. He lowered his arm slowly. "Yeah," he admitted in a low voice. "I don't know if how I feel is really liking them or not. I don't recall ever liking someone in that way before. I had a crush on my teacher when I was in third grade, but that's kinda it for my nonexistant love life."

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