Chapter 5: A Changed Mind

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"How was the camping trip?" Beth asked. Luke's head turned seeing Beth making her way over to his yard. Surprised by her approach. Luke glanced up hearing the question. Sitting up from the porch swing, a small smile forming. "It was good." He gave a small wave of his hand. Motioning for Beth to sit down. Even more surprised when she joined him. Luke worried that telling her of his thoughts on them would've scared her off. And thought perhaps Beth would try and avoid him again. Make things awkward once more.

"Did you catch anything?" Beth questioned. Luke swept a sideways glance as she sat down next to him. Knowing Beth was trying to make small talk. He assumed she came over to talk to him about their conversation from a week ago. And was starting off small, building up courage for what she wanted to say. "Not really. It was a slow weekend for the fish to bite." Beth grinned a little before giving Luke a nudge. "I bet If I was there you would've caught some fish. I bring good luck." These actions caught Luke off guard, so it took him a moment to react. Letting out a laugh once it registered. His eyes remained on hers. She seemed to be getting back to the old Beth he knew when they first started talking. Luke ran a hand through his hair looking hesitant. "I thought about it.. But I wasn't sure if you wanted to come. I know last time you weren't too thrilled about joining in."

Beth sat in silence for a moment. Taking a deep breath. "Perhaps I didn't want to at first. I was annoyed with mom for trying to push. But once I was there, I realized I missed talking and spending time with you. And you were right. I needed to get back out again." Luke smiled. He was tempted to ask Beth, but knew he had to be patient with her. Things had to take time where she was concerned. Or Beth would run off scared again. So if she was really here to talk about last weekend. Luke would do so, but he'd let her take the first bite. They'd made some progress this last year after the accident, he wouldn't take chances of losing that again. She was at least speaking to him now.

"I enjoyed being there with you too." Luke responded, giving her a small smile. Though there'd been a bit of arguing last weekend while they were at the docks, there were some good moments they had before that. Then later on in the evening when he joined her up in the treehouse.. Luke took a deep breath before speaking the next sentence. "So.. You really think our parents might be trying to place us together?" He questioned. Though he usually let Beth take her time, Luke figured he'd open the discussion and see if she'd follow. Now it was Beth's turn to be surprised. When she first suggested the thought, Luke got mad with her. But now after last weekend, up in that treehouse when he confessed some of his feelings. Beth now realized perhaps it wasn't anger, but nerves. Because she was right, or perhaps that he was really developing feelings for her. And he was a bit scared to admit.

Until Beth heard Luke's confession last weekend, she didn't really think much of it herself. Maybe way back in her mind. She might've. And there were times Beth felt she could maybe like Luke too. That she was starting to grow feelings for him. But with Luke acting how he did last year. Worried about his social status in the school society, seeming to give her hot and cold spots at times. Not always wanting to be seen with her in public. Because most people saw her as strange. Beth didn't get her hopes up too much. She didn't think there'd ever be a chance for her with someone like him. She thought after this past year, they could at least become friends. And that was it. However, when Luke told her of his feelings last weekend, Beth began second guessing her own thoughts also.

It was why she felt so mad at him learning about the initiation (her accident). Going in with James to figure out Garrett's plan. She began to trust Luke. And Beth had put it in her head that when Luke came to rescue her, he'd known about Garrett's initiation plan for him way before, but didn't warn her ahead of time. The misunderstanding made them lose about a year of their friendship. Because Beth could be rather stubborn.

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