Chapter 36: You Can't Handle the Truth!

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"Do we have everything we need?"  Beth finished packing some last few items.  They might need for the lake cabin trip.  Then made her way downstairs.  Meeting Jon at the door.  Jon looked over hearing Beth's question.  A small smile forming.  Getting excited as they were almost ready to leave for the lake.  "I think so.  We can probably go to the store and get some snack foods and such for the next few days."  Jon added.  Beth nodded.  Feeling excited herself.  But also nervous.  She was still having trouble getting over her fear of actually being in the water.  And though Beth wouldn't be able to hide it long.  She wasn't sure what Jon would think of her for it.  Beth already knew that he found her personality sort of on the strange side.  Not used to being around her all these years.  "I think that would be great.  Definitely need stuff for s'mores!"  Beth added.  Her voice sounded a little more chippery. 

Jon chuckled hearing the change of tone in Beth.  He wasn't sure if he quite figured her out yet.  Some moments Beth seemed excited for this small vacation.  So they could get to know each other as family again.  Then other times she seemed not so thrilled.  Jon was aware of what happened to her father.  And was hoping he could maybe try and help her out.  "Well duh.  You can't go camping and NOT have s'mores."  Jon teased.  Beth smirked.  "If we're ready shall we?  We should probably say bye."  "Yes, we most likely should.  Trust me.  Mom and dad would be angry if we didn't. Or I didn't."  He chuckled a little.  "They'd most likely follow us to the lake house too.  We don't want that."  He smirked.  Beth laughed.  "For some reason.  Something tells me you're not joking."  Jon smirked back.  "I wish I was.  I'm sure your mother has told you some stories."

Beth went quiet for a moment at this comment.  Not until recently did Melanie choose to tell Beth stories about Anthony.  She shook her head.  "No..  She hasn't really told me much of anything about her time here.  All of what I know is from talking with you guys over facetime."  Amusement appeared on Jon's face.  "Oh, I could tell you a lot of stories.  I'm sure we have plenty of stories to swap.  You could tell me a little bit about..  Luke?"  Jon questioned.  Trying to remember his name.  Noticing Beth blush a little.  "Only if you tell me stories in return about Mila."  Beth added.  Giving Jon a small playful punch in the arm.  Jon rolled his eyes.  "Okay..  Fine..  I guess it's only fair if you tell me about Luke. Come on. Let's go find our parents.  Let them know we're heading out." 

Once Jon began making his way into the living room.  Where Melanie, Victoria and Levi were watching a show.  Beth followed after him.  "Beth and I are leaving now."  He commented.  Three heads turned in their direction.  As Jon caught their attention.  "Do you have everything you need?"  Levi asked, standing up, giving them both a hug.  "I think so.  Beth and I are going to pick up some snack foods before we leave town."  Jon explained.  Victoria stood up as well, so she could give the two a hug.  "Nonsense.  We have plenty in the house.  You can take some of the stuff from here."  "Do you have stuff for s'mores?" Jon asked, raising an eye.  Giving a small smirk.  Victoria laughed.  "No, we don't have s'mores.  But we have other stuff you guys would probably like.  Chips and dip.  Some meat and cheese."  She began.  Melanie stood up from where she was sitting also.  Making her way over to Beth, giving her a hug.  "We can grab those.  But we will still need to stop for the s'mores."  Jon responded. 

Victoria made her way in the kitchen.  As Jon headed to the room as well.  So she could help get some of the food snacks ready.  "Have fun okay?"  Melanie said quietly.  Giving Beth a hug.  Once Victoria and Jon exited the room.  Beth hugged her mother back.  Looking directly into her eyes after releasing the hug.  Knowing what Melanie was thinking.  Beth gave a small nod.  "I'll be fine."  She muttered.  Though she wasn't sure if that response was more for herself.  Or Melanie.  Or most likely both.

Melanie gave Beth a look.  That didn't seem so very certain.  Like she saw right through her daughter.  But Beth tried her best giving a reassuring smile.  So Melanie wouldn't worry so much.  "I'll be with Jon, remember?"  Melanie smiled.  "I know.  Enjoy the trip."  Melanie patted Beth's shoulder.  Then stepped back.  Letting her know she was dismissed.  Beth turned, making her way in the kitchen where Jon was with Victoria.

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