Chapter 37: The Whole Truth and Nothing But...

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Beth let out a laugh. Hearing Jon finishing the story of how he and Mila met. The two were only at the lake cabin for a day. But it felt like no time passed between them at all. Beth thought it would be awkward at first with just the two of them. But her and Jon had figured out a way to keep a conversation going. Without there being too much awkwardness. Beth thought it would also be strange being back. Since she hadn't been at the lake cabin since the accident. But actually found herself enjoying the peace and quiet of the area. It was so serene there. And she was having fun reconnecting with family. They had facetime. So it wasn't like they didn't talk at all. But that wasn't the same as being there, seeing them in person.

"You did not!" Jon grinned at Beth's reaction. "I did!" "There is NO way that you'd snag someone doing that! That's a HORRIBLE pick up line!" Beth commented, still laughing as she spoke. "I would've been embarrassed!" "Mila liked it." Jon commented, the grin remained on his face. "Well obviously. Or you wouldn't be together." Beth continued. Jon rolled his eyes. "I'm sure your story isn't any better. How'd you happen to snag Luke?" He retorted. Beth bit her lip. Looking a bit hesitant. But they did promise they'd swap stories. During their time up at the lake. So she supposed there was no choice.

"Well.. Luke's and my meeting was more coincidental. I mean. We were classmates, sure. But we didn't actually hang out or talk. And I don't think we would have if it wasn't for the incidental event. We had a Science project we had to work with a partner on..." Beth stalled the story seeing Jon lean back in his chair. Then lift his hand placing it over his mouth. Making a fake yawning motion. Beth gave Jon a look. Crossing her arms across her chest. "Hey! It's still better than what you did!" Jon laughed. "Sure. If you like being like everyone else. Isn't that sort of repetitive on how most people meet their partners? Or well. At least high school sweethearts anyways? It's the same old been there done that. I like being somewhat original. Least I was trying to recreate a movie to have fun with my gesture."

"You didn't let me finish my story though! How do you know that it is the same old been there done that? Maybe I have a twist somewhere in my story you're not expecting." Beth rambled. Jon raised an eye. "Let me guess. Your plot twist is. Though you were Science partners for weeks. Neither of you took notice of each other. You weren't expecting for something to grow between the two of you. You didn't realize you liked each other until after the project was finished. And you miss spending time with one another..."

Beth rolled her eyes. "Shows how much you know. And.. Mila makes you watch too many movies." "Oh please. I'm right! I'm right aren't I!" Beth laughed. "Okay maybe you're right for the most part. But it still took some time even after the project was finished. For me to really warm up to Luke. And give him a chance." Beth noticed the expression on Jon's face. "What?" Beth asked, being suddenly curious at the surprised look. "I mean.. In most cases I see. It's usually the girl who has to chase the guy." He smirked. "How did Luke finally get you to notice him?"

Hearing Jon's question. Beth hesitated. She still didn't necessarily like talking about her past. But Beth figured since Jon knew about it. It'd be easier for her to finish the story. Jon noticed Beth's stalling. He was aware of what went down all those years ago. Hearing his parents talking about it. "You don't have to tell me." Beth noticed how quickly Jon added in his comment. She ran a hand through her hair. "No no... I don't mind at all... I'm not really sure Luke did anything in particular to get my attention. It was one of those old fashioned came on its own terms kind of thing. As you said. It took time to grow. I tried really hard. Did my best to keep away from people. But somehow, Luke found a way to slide right in."

"With everything that was going on at the time. I felt very stressed. And I had a bit of an episode. I guess, what made me give Luke a chance. I could see how worried he seemed to be for me. And was the only one who seemed willing to help."

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