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Emmara p.o.v

I woke up with a pounding headache.

'Where am I?'

You don't remember? Well neither do I!

Shut up conscious.

I heard a deep groan and looked to my left.

I realized that there was an arm around my waste. And screamed.

"AHHHH!" I screamed as I shove the body off of the bed, which by the way is not mine.

I rushed to get up as the body cursed quiet loudly.

I felt really cold for some odd reason, I looked down to see my legs and stomach and MY NAKED SELF.

"Urhgh!" I heard a muffled groan from the ground where the body I pushed off is now resting.

I hold back a scream as I reach for my wrinkled dress.

I quickly slip it on and go to leave when an arm grabs a hold of my ankle and stops me. I almost fall, but manage to catch my balance.

"What no round two?" I hear a deep raspy voice come from the ground.

I slowly turn around and am met with beautiful blue eyes. I look away quickly then look back avoiding his eyes.

I focus on the male and realize that the male I pushed off the bed, the one I SLEPT with is no other than.................. Andy Biersack. You know the player/fuckboy of Riverview High School in California .

I gape at his smirking figure before wiggling out of His grip. I make a run for the stairs.

As soon as I'm outside I hop into my car and speed off.


I groan and rush to the bathroom , releasing my dinner from the night before into the toilet.

My older sister Ramona rushes in like she has been doing for this past week.

"Are you ok?" She looks at me with that look that older sisters awlays give you.

"Ya, ya. I'm fine Rom. I promise! Plus it will be gone by like 12 just watch." I try to reassure her.

"Ok." She looks at me not fully convinced before walking out.

I honestly don't know why this is happening.
What about the party?
What about the party?
You know the sexy hunk of meat you hooked up with?
Andy? What does be have to do wi- Oh SHIT.

I quickly leave the conversation that I am having with myself and grab my phone.


E- Are you free?
C- Umm, ya why?
E- I need you to come with me somewhere......
E- Ummm........ The drugstore
C- For? Come on Em you gotta give me more info
E- Ummmmmm........... Pregnancy test
C- I'll be right over.

And that my friends is how the Player got me pregnant with my beautiful baby girl Alexia. 

Hey guys prologue! I know, I know, not very long, but oh well it is just to give you guys background info. I hope you liked it. Let me know what you would do if you woke up next to the bad boy NAKED!!!!!!! Love Y'all sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! MWUAH!!!!! XOXOXOXOXO

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