Chapter 11

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Emmara's P.O.V

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I try to calm down my screaming sister with some reassurance.

"Hurry!! She's won't stop crying!"

"Let me talk to her," I hear some shuffling of the phone, and finally I hear Alexia's high pitched scream come through the phone.

"Mommy!" She's crying...

"I'm coming sweetie, it's okay. Momma's coming." I grab my keys and motion Andy towards the door with my head.

He gives me look and I whisper yell at him to go get into the car. I hang up the phone, after telling Alexia I love her, and get into the car.

"So, are we gonna talk about any of this and what it means for not only us, but Alexia too." Andy is staring at me with an expectant look.

"It means nothing Andy, and Alexia won't know.. She is only 2." I give my head a little shake.

"I know that, but come on! What is she gonna think when we show up together to pick her up?"

"I don't know... We'll just tell her that you came by to see her and she wasn't there, so you decided to come with me and take us out to lunch.... Yeah, that's what we will tell her." I nod at myself, silently patting myself on the back.

"I don't want to tell her that. I want to tell her... Tell her." His voice fades off.

"Tell her what Andy!?" I raise my voice a bit, with frustration.

"I don't know! Tell her that we are back together!" At this point he is yelling.

"But we aren't and we are NOT going to in the future!" We come to a stop at a stop light, and I hit the steering wheel with my palm.

"Why not!? I love you Emmara... I always have.." His voice gets really quiet, and I look over at him. He turns his head, but I saw a tear trail down his face.

"Andy.. Andy, look at me.." He doesn't turn his head, "Andy.. Please."

He finally turns towards me and I see the wet tears shine in the early morning light. He looks so weak and vulnerable in this moment.

"Andy.. You don't love me. You think you do because you love Alexia.. Not me." I grab his face and make him look into my eyes.

"No.. That's where you are wrong Emmara.. I was so excited that night at the party, when you clinged to me later that night. I had liked you for so long, and I thought 'Wow, she likes me too!', but I guess I was wrong." His mouth turns downward into a frown as he tries to turn his head away from me, but I don't budge.

"Andy, I have liked you since we were little kids.. Remember, we would run around in my backyard, and my mom would make us Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, cut into hearts.. But, then, we hit High School and you changed.." I dropped my hands from his face, "You were the popular Football player who was too good for anyone else, including me. You just left me, but guess what.. I still loved you, even when you betrayed me. You never talked to me. Never even noticed me." I get cut off by a horn honking behind me.

I look at the light and it's green, so I start driving again. Andy stays quiet for the rest of ride to go get Emmara.

Once we get there, Alexia comes running out in her pink skirt outfit I had packed for her.

She runs over and jumps into my arms.

"Hi babygirl! How was spending time with Auntie?"

"It was so good," Her words come out a little funny because of missing front teeth.

"That's amazing baby! Look who I brought to come see you." I point in Andy's direction. He is holding Alexia's overnight bag, but smiles and lifts her up when she goes running towards him.

"Hey Bubbies, how did you sleep?"

"Amazing!" Alexia gives him a goofy grin and he finally puts her down.

I go over and give my sister a hug, "Thank you for taking her."

"Over course, but it HE the reason I needed to take her?"

"What? No! I hadn't gotten back from the game till super late." I give her a look.

"Okay, okay. Love you, see you tomorrow."

After we say our goodbyes, we all load up into the car.

"So, Andy, where are we going for lunch?" He gives me a weird look and I respond with a death glare.

"Umm, how about Panda Express?" He looks at me and I give a little nod.

"What do you think Alexia? You wanna go Panda Express for lunch?"

She gives me a huge grin through the mirror shout a big "Yes". I laugh at her outburst and agree.

"Looks like we are going to Panda Express."

Once we arrive, Andy and Alexia order their food, but then it's my turn and I just say I'm not hungry. Andy gives me a warning look, but I stick to what I say and walk over to the table with Alexia.

We sit down at a tall table and I pick Alexia up and set her in one of the chairs. Andy comes over to the table next carrying to containers.

He set's one of containers in front of me, "Eat. Now." He gives me a look that I know means he isn't messing around.

Alexia looks at him, "Why? Momma never eats.. Why does she have to now?"

Andy looks at me with astonishment. "Emmara. Eat. The. Damn. Food. Now." He talks through clenched teeth, he also gives me hand a tight squeeze, letting me know he means it.

I open the box and take a bite of Orange Chicken. I let take a small bite of Fried Rice. Andy watches me intently. After I've ate enough food to satisfy him, I tell him I'm going to the bathroom. I grab my purse and head to the bathroom. I go into a stall and lock it. I get onto my knees and throw up all the food I had just eaten into the toilet. I throw up everything until I'm just simply gagging. I walk out and go brush my teeth. Finally, I leave the bathroom and walk back to the table.

"That took you awhile.." Andy gives me a look.

"I'm sorry. I really had to pee. Is that okay with you Andy?" I give him a look right back.

"Yeah.. That's fine." He shakes his head and looks down.

I grab the rest of my food and throw it away. Andy frowns at this.

"What?" I give him an irritated look.

"Nothing, let's go." He grabs his empty box and tosses it into the garbage. He does the same with Alexia's, while I grab her.

"Hey, baby girl.. You wanna go to the park in a little bit?" I give her kiss on the cheek before setting her down.

She grabs my small hand with her even smaller one, "Yes please! Can Daddy come?"

"Umm, I don't know.. Daddy is rea-" Andy cuts me off.

"Of course I can Bubbies!" Andy smiles down at our daughter and picks her up, spinning her around in a circle.

Once we get to the car, Andy puts Alexia in her carseat and then we head back home.

HELLLLLLLOOOOOO!! It has been a hoooooot minute, but I'm happy to say I'm going to be posting a lot more since it is almost summer. Thank you for reading! Talk to you all next time!!! XOXOXO 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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