Chapter 4

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Emmara's P.O.V

I go to the door and gasp realizing that instead of finding my loving and caring sister I find Andy, someone I was hoping would forget about the project and not come by. Unfortunately, like everything else, I wasn't hoping enough.

"You're EARLY," I stress the word early to make it clear I don't like his company.

"So? I have somewhere to be later," He invites himself in. "Where are we doing the pro-" he gets cut off by a little squeaky voice.

"Mommy is Auntie here?" My little angel comes running into the living room with her little bag but, she stops when she sees Andy in all his 6'4 glory and retreats to her favorite hiding place, behind my legs.

"No, not yet sweety," I go to continue, but Andy chimes in.

"Hi, my names Andy. What's your name cupcake?" He crouches down as low as he can go but, still towering over her small frame.

Even though he was still gigantic compared to her small figure, she stepped out of behind my legs and walked over to him cautiously. As she approaches him, he holds out his hand. Being the respectful little girl I taught her to be she gripped his ginormous hand with her much smaller one and shook it. While he gazes at her beautiful bright blue eyes something clicks and I see recognition mask his features.

"My name is Alexia!" She gives him a gigantic grin.

"That's a gorgeous name, Alexia, How old are you?" He stands back up and looks down at he petite body.

She holds up two fingers and wiggles them before laughing and running off. All the suspicion gets wiped off his face and is replaced with anger and something else....... betrayal?

"She's two and two years ago we slept together at a party and two years ago you left. She's mine isn't she?" He runs his hand through his hair multiple times before pacing.

I stand there not wanting to anger him anymore with my stupid input on anything.

"ISN'T SHE?" He screams. I shrink back and nod my head slightly. "You kept her from me! She's my DAUGHTER TOO EMMARA! I made her just like you. Yes, I was young but, I did NOT deserve to be kept out of her life!" He's inches away from me now. I shrink back not knowing what to say or how to react. It was one of those moments you only see in movies when they're stone frozen with fear that if they move that might be their very last movement or you know, something like that.

"Y-Y-Yes." I managed to stutter out my breathing becoming more like gasps, my lungs burning trying to rip, ripping, free of my body.

"WHAT THE HELL EMMARA, YOU HAD NO RIGHT!" He screamed with that stone cold look on his face.

I couldn't say anything, my anxiety kicked in full blast. Before I knew what was happening I was gasping for air but I couldn't get any it seemed so impossible.

"Stop it Emmara I know you're faking." I still couldn't speak. "Emmara?"

"MOMMY! What is happening!!??" Oh no, I was hoping to keep this heartache away from my beautiful baby girl. She shouldn't be watching this.

Meanwhile, I felt as if I was gonna faint at any moment.

"Emmara breathe, come on. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Nothing is wrong with mommy sweety, why don't you go play with some toys in your room?" He spoke to her with such compassion and in that moment right there while I caught my breath and Alexia runs to her room looking scared, I start to cry.

"I......I'm sor.......sorry that I kep...kept her from you!" I say as I start to get my breathing back. "But, I just didn't think that you would've wanted to be in her life. And as for the moving away piece, it wasn't my choice it was my mom's. She shipped me away from here and sent me to dad." I couldn't meet his eyes. "But, Andy, I don't know if she should be around your lifestyle!"

"WHAT? WHY?" He sounded furious. His eyes were cold as stone and as black as coal. 

"Well, because You're Andy Biersack. Player and bad boy. She doesn't need to have women, correction, SLUTS, in and out of her life. I won't allow it, Andy, I won't!" Now it was my turn to get defensive.

Before he could say anything I sum up all my strength and push him back. I sprint up to Alexia's room and lock the door.

"Mommy, what is happening?" Alexia whispers.

My poor baby, she looks petrified, she's shaking and I can tell that she has been crying. Her eyes. They're bloodshot.

I go with my first motherly instinct and scoop her up in my arms.

"Nothing baby girl." Just then there was a big bang.

Oh no he didn't.

"What was that mommy? I'm scared." I rock her back and forth.

"It's OK baby, daddy is just mad that's all."


"What? No........ I meant...... Umm.." Just then the door started to rattle. 

I finally grew some courage and went to tell Andy to leave. After telling ALexia to stay in the corner where we were just hiding, I go to the door and pull it open putting on a brave face.

I step out and hear a loud shatter right by my left ear. I slowly turn trying to show my panic and look to see that And had just thrown a vase at the door or what I was hoping was meant for the door. 

He grabs another object and is about to throw it when he stops and looks at me.


"Leave Andy..." I say in a low, husky voice.


"LEAVE, GODDAMNIT!" I scream pointing to the door. 

He stands there looking like a puppy when they just peed in the house but, finally, he leaves........

HELLR lovelies!! How have you been? I've been ok...... Short Chapter! I know but, next chapter will be better I promise! OK BYE BYE LOVE ALL YOU!!!

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