Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

This chapter will contain smut so please just be aware that it is in there.


Calena's POV

"Calena, can you come here?" Will asks as I finish doing my hair in the hotel bathroom.

"Sure what is it?" I ask coming out of the bathroom. I soon lay my eyes on a hyperventilating teenage boy. "Oh Lex." I whisper going over to him. He reaches out for me and pulls me down on top of him. "I need you to calm down for me. Breathe, it's alright, nothing's gonna happen, you're safe with me." He nods gasping for air. I sit up so I'm basically straddling him and grab his hand placing it over my heart. "Follow my heartbeat, can you do that for me?" He nods and I move the hair out of his face. I kiss the corner of his mouth and he smiles trying to breathe as well. "You're doing great Alex, you really are." He nods reaching for my other hand. I entwine our fingers and he pulls me down onto him.

"Don't let me go." He whispers burying his head in my neck.

"I won't baby, it's alright. You're okay."

"Do you guys need anything?" Will asks looking over at us with a worried expression.

"Alex, do you need anything?" He shakes his head.

"Can you grab a water for me please?" I ask. "And a damp wash cloth." Will nods and I turn my attention back to Alex. I pepper soft kisses on his hair line and down his cheek bones before ghosting my lips over his eyes. He smiles a low noise of satisfaction in his chest. "Are you okay?" He nods opening his eyes.

"I'm better now."

"Good! I'm really glad." Will comes back and I put the washcloth over Alex's forehead and eyes.

"This will take the redness out of your eyes and cool you down." I whisper and he nods. I grab his right hand and kiss each finger and knuckle before repeating the process on the other hand. "You're doing great Lex." I kiss the palms and he smiles.

At the draft I am given a ticket. I then notice that I am sitting right in between the boys.

"Hey Will? Can I switch tickets so you boys can sit together?" He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Not sure Alex would enjoy that too much."

"I'm intruding."

"You're not though!" He exclaims causing Alex to look over at us from his position with his dad and agent.

"Fine, I'm just gonna feel awkward. I'm not supposed to be here." Will shakes his head wrapping his arms around me. I rest my head against his chest and make out his heartbeat. It beats in a slow and strong beat, calming me in a way I thought nothing could ever before.

Soon, we're able to sit down and that's when Alex stresses. I grab his hand and hold it in mine.

"You're okay baby. It's alright." I smile comfortingly.

"What if they don't want me." He whispers.

"Alex, don't say that. If anything you'll go as high as Will if not higher. Trust me, you'll be top ten!" He sighs.

"I hope you're right!"

"Buffalo select Alex Nylander." The GM announces and everyone stands up. Eighth over all, my sweet baby. He hugs his sisters first, then Will, then me.

"I'm so proud of you Alex. I told you everything would be alright." I kiss his cheek softly.

"Thank you love." He then hugs his mom and dad before moving to his agent.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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