Chapter 7

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James's POV
I AM SOOOOO BORREEDDDD!!!! Riley's just went to the toilet. She booked this table at this really fancy restaurant and its sooo boring. I wanna go home to Beth but I can't. I decide I'll go and have another smoke (I REPEAT DONT SMOKE KIDS ✌️️) and text Beth
To Beth 😍❤️😏😘: hey baby I miss you, I'll be home tommorow, I love you 😍 bye xxxx
I also see I have message from Eldon
Eldon 😂💩✌️🤘: Sup Bro, congrats on Beth, tomorrow do you wanna go on double date after work at Elite, with Steph and Beth? Bye 🤘✌️️
Me: Thanks man, yeah that sounds great 👍 alright peace man 🤘
I forgot to mention Eldon also works at Elite.

AN quick one ☝️ ok byeeee ❤️️😘 xx thanks for the votes and comments!

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