Chapter 32

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Phoebes pov
Marcus, my man, has gone off on a business trip today he has taken my card, like my credit card and my jewellery and my phone and uhM pretty much all my expensive items expect for this tax machine which I have no clue what to do it with, but I'm just waiting here for him to come back, I'm not sure when he will come back as he said it was urgent and I didn't want to mess with him he looked kinda sly and angry so I decided not to mess with him, so I'm just sitting here quietly and uh I don't know what to do expect for sow so I could sow my name in a carpet... yeah... maybe. I just hope Marcus comes home soon. I miss him..

James's POV (Marcus)
*still pointing gun at thalia*
T: you can't get away with this
J: I already have.. Acutally I could use someone like you on my side
T: whAT?
J: I mean, you can fight, you can dance, you can mind read and be powerful, you make everyone stop and stare, you can do hypnosis, you kick but, your smart, can crack a code pretty easily,your strong. I'm willing to have you, I pay my team an equal pay of $15 a hour. What do you say partner ? You could be second in charge.. yes or no? If you say no, I'm afraid I might have to kill you.. you know too much.
T: um.. uh..
j: I need to know
T: yes..
J: welcome aboard partner
T: thanks... what's my first task?
J: we will get to that.. now I've got phoebes items, let's go get some money.. and maybe I feel like killing someone right now
C: o babe your so handsome
J: thanks.. now chantel what I want you to do is.. be on lookout out for this woman *shows a picture of phoebe* Thalia come with me
*James and Thalia enter the bank*
T: bro.. what number girl is that?
J: number 6 I believe..
T: jheez.. why you dating her? Do you love her?
J: her parents are rich, high drowry, I have another girl on where we are going after this, no I don't love her god no. Right quickly ask her what her pin is. I need it so I can steal her money, and then we go to our business location. Tell her, I want to put a surprise in
T: on it *runs outside and to ask chantel her pin*
T: hey.. chantel.. uH what's your bank pin, James wants to put a special surprise in
C: aww he's so sweet.. heahehe its 1234
T: thanks! *runs back to James*
J: what is the code?
T: 1234
J: thanks!
*james enters phoebes code of 5678 and steals all the money, puts it in his bank account and gets money for everything else, then enters chantels code 1234 and does the same with the money.*
J and T: *mutters at the same time* dumbos
*they leave the bank, out another way so Chantel can't see them and finds the car with Tiffany and Giselle*
G: morning sir, who is this?
T: Giselle....?
G: oHmy- THALIAAAAAA *runs over to Tav and hugs her*
T: I missed You girl
G: same
Tif: hi I'm Tiffany, Giselle's girlfriend
T: nice to meet you
J: right you ready now? Introductions over? Right let's go.
*they all get in the car and drive off*

hi everyone 🦋
I just want to say THANK YOU! for 3K, oh my- this is unreal, thanks for reading this book it truly means a lot, it's grown so much, it's definitely a strange story, apologises if you have had your head twisted so much from all the plot twists, I can't blame for that, it's just James haha, this book is honestly my greatest achievement I've ever done!
Hope you have a good day everyone, or I hope you had a good day! Byee thanks again! 💖
Guess time! Comment down below who you think his new girl is, could it be an ex girlfriend or could it be someone new, comment down your thoughts!

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