Dammit I'm Scared

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Hi puglings *smiles nervously* it's 3am and I'm majorly afraid because
I have lots of bad dreams about good things.
And my dad snores like a demon.
Or a demon snores like my dad.
I'm siriusly hoping it's my dad.
I'm listening to music to calm my nerves but it isnt working in fact I think it's worse.
If I'm gonna die tonight I want it to be while I'm asleep, not while I'm awake and terrified.
My heart is going a million miles an hour. I might have a heart attack.
Is it wierd that i forgot my glasses in my dream, and my brain automatically made things fuzzy around the edges?
I think my brain is doing more than it gets paid for.
Here's a recap of the dream:

It was a Halloween/Mardi Gras crossover holiday festival and I was put in charge of putting the goddies in little ziploc bags and handing them out to the kids. I made a three special ones for someone named Daniel, and two other guys I don't remember.
My mom warned me to stay inside most of the festival with my little brother, Bobby, because there were gonna be scary people in demon costumes that were gonna start trying to scare the little kids and I didn't like that so I gladly agreed to that job. The festival was gonna start at an unexpected time so nobody knew when the demons were going to come out, and the indoor shops and stuff would close and anybody inside them was safe.
But then Bobby ran out on the street and nearly got hit by a train/bus thingy, went down the street (being chased by my mom because I was too afraid the festival might start) and ran to the building where my other brother, Wyatt, was at. My last brother, Caleb, was with me in the candy goody building, but Wyatt ushered us over and I started hearing strange music in the distance.
Caleb bolted down the street and Wyatt patted him on the back as he went inside. Wyatt gestured to me, and I (Being scared in the dream) grabbed a bunch of cookies and stuff and started running.
The dream cut off at maximum fear levels, somewhere in between the buildings and hearing the ominous gigglings of a person in a demon costume.
Side note: There were these weird things wandering around on the street at the edge of my view, and the fact that I couldn't turn and look at them properly just scares me that much more.

As you can see not very scary to you but heart-stopping for me. Why couldn't I have woken up at the good part, when I was making the goody bags for children?
I'm gonna try and make it to the living room, but my parent's door is open and I heard a dad snore/ demon in there and I can't even get to the kitchen for a root beer.
I have a rock to protect myself but I don't think it's enough for a demon.
I wish the Winchesters would show up BEFORE one of the strange murders-
I don't wanna be the strange murder, I wanna be the person who says "oh yea it's a demon wanna hunt it for me I want to  do it badly but I also want to only live once."
and then I'll pause and be like, "Plus you would probably not let me help you hunt anyways."
And that would be epic . . .
*sigh* Wish me luck, puglings.

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