I'm sad . . .

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Hi. *smiles half-heartedly*

Ok, so I'm sad. Wanna know why?
I'm lonely.
I have friends, yes, but . . .
I want more than 'just friends,' if you catch my drift.
I want hugs when I'm sad. I want kisses when I'm feeling like I'm worthless.
I want someone to make me feel loved, and not like my family does because my family low-key hates me and only tolerates me because they have to. My brother has brandished a knife at me more than once. One time he actually THREW it.
I want that deep, attached, affection, kind of love.
But my parents won't let me date. Until I'm 16.
I'm 14 and have been for only a month.
But you don't wanna hear this. It's cliche, I know.
But . . .
I guess all I want is someone to dry my tears, sit me down on the couch, give me a hug, make popcorn, and watch a movie with me.
But somehow, when I imagine my future, I'm 40, living alone, and babysitting my brother's kids while he's deployed in some foreign country and his redheaded scientist wife is working the night shift.
I guess I'm forever alone. And it hurts a little bit.
But that's okay. At least I have my books.
Because books never die. They never run away. And they never let you down.
You can choose your books.
You can't choose who you fall in love with.
That's Aphrodite and Eros' job.
(Still waiting, guys. I promise I'll find a way to burn some fruit for you- as soon as my mom buys fruit.)
Bye, puglings.
*gloomy poof*

Ranting, Raging, and General Fangirliness [FIRST OF MANY BOOKS] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now