Two left matey get ready

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I have a few more random thoughts for ya here we go

Now that cellphones are becoming more and more waterproof, pretty soon it will be okay to push people into pools again.

You are younger now than you are now.

Childhood memories are like drunk memories. You don't remember much other than blurry stuff, but the clear stuff makes you cringe.

Fishing would be a lot less popular if fish could scream.

You know what they should do? Invent a kind of edible tape to hold down your burrito flaps for you.

Every bullet that has been fired so far has missed me.

I wonder who looked at a bowl of rice and was like "You know what the most efficient way of eating this probably is? Using two wooden sticks."

Naming your cat Whiskers is like naming your kid Eyebrows.

Now, on to the chapter before last!!!!

Ranting, Raging, and General Fangirliness [FIRST OF MANY BOOKS] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now