Some Very Wrong Places, Indeed.

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*smiles awkwardly* HAIIIII
So, ya wanna hear my dream? Well your gonna have to because you're still reading this and somehow can't stop for some totally random reason that totally isn't me brainwashing you oh no it's not that at alllll.
So, to my dream.

The POV changes multiple times because that is just how my mind works.

So at first I'm this little mortal girl named Blaise (its my POV rn) and I'm just walking outside when a bunch of fat birds appear and for some reason I'm afraid of them and I say "I wish I was invisible" anD IT HAPPENS I GO INVISIBLE
and I'm like "awesome!"
But then the POV changes and I'm this flying girl and she's using some sort of square blackish brown thingy that looks suspiciously like an Oreo to fly and I just swoop down and say to Me (now visible again)
"You're magic come with me" and a bunch of ravens pick me up and take me to the clouds but my POV is still the flying girl so I use the square Oreo thing to fly up to the clouds and lead the ravens to some sort of cloud place and I am just poofing through the clouds and if you have never felt a cloud let me tell you its amazing because it feels like you're falling through feathers and whipped cream and it tastes like everything you love omg
But then I somehow lose my magic Oreo and start falling through he clouds and then I hit one that is super stiff and it supports me for a second but then I (somehow) fall through a teeny weeny crack in it and then the POV changes again and I'm me again and the ravens set me down on the cloud, I pick up the magic Oreo and fly off to rescue the girl- but then the dream ends and I'm left with a cliffhanger because I woke up lol.

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