Demoman x reader

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"KABLOOIE" he screamed at the top of his lungs as the enemy team was blown to bits after a brief session of spawn camping. You finally had a chance to run out and have your fun. You saw a pyro holding its axe and thought, 'why not have a melee battle?' You pulled out the weapon you had known and loved and charged towards the pyro. He raised his axe in the air, aiming for your head and just as he was going to strike, you would- "CEASE FIRE!" You looked at the pyro bewildered as you both stashed your weapons.

After looking around a bit and getting death threats from the other team, you saw something that no one else saw. So naturally, you confronted him like the genius you were.

"H-Hello?" You got a final look before you yelled "GOVERNMENT! " all mercenaries on both teams bolted to the far end of the map and hid. You hid in the cellar, soldier hid in his closet, and you didn't know where the rest were.

But they were patient, they would find you, they tore apart everything and found you all.

Questions, questions, and the occasional torture. That's what you all experienced with the government. You were sitting in your cell, waiting for your next beating to reveal who started this all, who your boss was, and if Mann Co had something to do with this.

You sat there, listening to the emptiness as your scar riddled body hurt. "Nae, don't hurt her! Nae!" Demo's cell was next to yours and you two would pass notes when the two of you should have been sleeping.

You heard keys and looked up to see one of them. "AYE SAID DON'T HURT HER YE SPINDLY COW, FOOKIN MONE MATE!" (That is actually how Scottish people start fights, "THEN MOAN")

"I said be qui-" You saw a flash of a rich, dark skin that resembled chocolate before you heard screams of the man who was going to question you. Demo turned the keys in the lock and came into the cell.

"We need a plan, with exploosions." You smiled darkly, revenge is just as sweet as chocolate.

You both snuck out and located the others, it wasn't easy, but the two of you did it. "Listen men, we will leave those bastards of a team here an-" "aye want me job still soldier." "We will bring those bastards of a team with us and kill these commie bastards of government."

You set out on your separate ways, you gathered supplies for bombs and others, and the others had gotten the enemy team out of their confinement and agreed to be friendly til they set foot in their bases.

You had been eating a popsicle since you thieved it from the fridge in the lounge. You also ate someone's lunch which was an amazing BLT.

You caught sight of the others and regrouped with them. Handing over the duffle bag that you asked to use from an old lady, when she complied you gave her some cash from one of her Co workers and a thanks. She was so nice.

Demo fumbled through the bag and took what he needed. He handed the bag to you and demo got to work, he mass produced explosives to the point it could be illegal as to say. "He he, Let's goo have some foon lass."

He started placing explosives and you had forgotten about the old lady. "I'll be right back, I need to grab someone." You had run into the office area and grabbed her, she was alarmed but you explained that she'll be getting a new job at Mann Co, since saxton did need a new attorney. Why?  I don't know.

You ran outside of the building and "KABLOOIE" the entire place set off and the next block of the large building fell and you all ran off, giggling like 5 year olds playing tag.

"Ye can't be mad at me lass, I didn't set the place oon fire, technically."

"Of course you didn't set the place on fire, CAUSE YOU BLEW THE DANG THING UP! " Demo and the others gave out a hearty laugh.

And then the old lady lived happily ever after..... for about 2 weeks and then died of cardiac arrest.

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