Chapter 17

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Jewel's P.O.V.

I'm walking along the lake with Percy, as he tells me about his latest quests.

"Did you not have Annabeth to save your ass these last few times?" I ask

"Sadly I did not. She's been way to busy remodeling Olympus." He says

"Do you still see her at least?" I ask

"Of course I do. I have given her a few tip about remodeling Olympus. Including when it comes to my dad's part of it." He says

"That sounds fun." I say with a shrug

"How have you been? You never have me that chance." He says

"I've been better. It's been difficult without Luke." I say with a small smile

"Which I understand. And I'm sorry it had to end that way." He says

"It's not your fault. I know you didn't want it to end that way." I say

"None of us did. We tried to find another way, a way that kept Luke alive." He says

"I know. Annabeth told me that when she came and told me that Luke was dead." I say and stop, looking at the lake

Percy stops next to me and sits down. I sit next to him, bringing my knees to my chest.

"Did she tell you what he last wish to your father was?" He asks

"No. She told me she couldn't hear what it was cause of the shock." I say, setting my chin on my knee

"His last wish to your guys's father was that he didn't neglect you like he did with him. That he keeps you safe since he can't." Percy says

"If Luke really cared about me, he would have joined Kronos." I say, looking away, wiping the tears

"Don't say that Jewel. You know he loved you." Percy says

"How do you know that Percy? He never told anybody that he loved me." I say "We may have been close, but that doesn't mean anything."

"Jewel, think back to the battle of Kronos right outside of Olympus." Percy starts

"What about it?" I ask, looking at him

"Do you remember when Kronos was about to kill you right then and there?" He asks

"Of course I do. I didn't know it was Kronos in control so I was yelling at Luke that it was me." I say

"That's what made Luke come out and remind Kronos of the deal he made with him if he wanted his body." He says

"What was the deal?" I ask

"That he doesn't hurt hurt you." Annabeth says as she walks over

I look over at her in surprise. She just smiles and sits next to me.

"He did quite a few things for you. Like when he kidnapped you right before the Camp Half-Blood battle. He did all of this in order for your safety." She says

"I wish he was still here." I mutter

"We all do." Annabeth says

Where are they? (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora