Chapter 3

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Mason's P.O.V.

So here I am walking around lost in the forest. Next thing I know I am on the ground. With a huge gash on my forearm. When I get up. I look around to see what gave me this gash. I see nothing. But I hear a lot of howls. I hurry to pull out my sword.

"Who's there?!" I yell

"It's me retard." Jewel yelled

"Jewel why are you out here in this part of the forest?!" I asked

"Looking for you what else?" She says as she came into veiw and I can see another girl behind her

"Why are you looking for me?" I ask "And who's the girl?"

"Riley Beckondorf meet Mason Grace. Mason meet Riley Beckondorf. And before you have any questions, yes she is Beckondorf's sister." She says

"Wait you both know my brother?" Riley asks

"Yeah. And I pretty sure that the other kids we have to gather has heard of him." Jewel says

"At least I knew him." I say

Jewel just gave me a look that practically says don't talk about that just yet. I nod. I look away as I have some memories of me and Beckondorf hanging out. But then there is Jewel who didn't even get to say goodbye to her brother. She only just found out that her brother was dead just a couple months ago.

"So Jewel?" I ask

"Hold on." She says as she is trying to get Riley situated

"When you are done can I possibly talk to you?" I asked

"Yeah." She says as she crawls out of the tent as she says "What's up?"

"You need to tell her about her brother." I say

"I know. I know I do but it is hard. You can tell that she was really close to him. I don't want to break her heart." She says (dang she is so freakin hot)

"I get that. But you need to tell her soon." I say

"What don't you get about that I can't tell her. A demigod should hae cam to tell her. Or at least Chrion should have come to tell her and her mother." She says

"Ok whatever. But one question Castellan. Why were you so close to your brother?" I ask

"Because he was my brother Grace." She says

"Oh. You need to know something. I am actaully Jason's twin brother. You deserve to know this." I say

"Nice. But can we please stop talking about this?" She asks as she messes with her brother's old camp necklace

"Thats fine." I say

We are silent for a bit.

"So are you thinking what I am thinking Castellan?" I ask

I watch her eyes widen, "Don't you dare Grace."

"Oh I am doing it. I Mason Grace challenge Jewel Castellan to a duel. Do you except Castellan?" I ask

"Ok. I accpet." She says

"Ok. Last man standing wins." I say

"And we can't kill each other." She says

"Aw but what if I wanted you to kill me." I whine

"I am not going to carry a body to camp." She says

"OK." I say

"What weapon can we use?" She asks

"Any." I say (which was a mistake)

"Ok I choose to use Backbiter my brother's old sword." She says

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