Chapter 19

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Mason's P.O.V.

I find Jewel at the climbing wall, obviously a lot on her mind. I sit on one of the benches at the bottom, waiting for her to come down.

Once she gets back to the bottom, I stand up and walk over to her. She looks at me and set my hands on her hips.

"Are you okay?" I ask

"I've been better." She says

"Want to talk about it?" I ask

She shrugs and looks back at the record board. I look at the name she was looking at.

"Luke Castellan and Annabeth Chase, record holder for the team climb." I say

"They got that record when it was my first year at camp." She says

"Don't you two have a record together?" I ask

"Yeah. We have the team rescue one." She says

"Really? I thought somebody else that had that record." I say

"No, it's me and Luke." She says and points to the one that says Castellans

I smile and give her small and quickly kiss. She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck, intertwining her fingers behind my neck, leaning back.

"Beautiful." I whisper

"You're such a flirt even though I'm already your's." She says with a giggle

"Well I can't risk you leaving me for somebody who is a bigger flirt." I say

"I don't think there is a bigger flirt than you. Well... maybe Ben." She says

"Oh whatever. We all know that I'm the bigger flirt here." I say

She laughs and shrugs. I smile and give her another small peck on her lips.

"I still remember your guys' flirting competitions." She says

"I always won cause I was the first one to make you giggle." I say

She rolls her eyes as she laughs.

"You always cheated." She says

"How?" I ask 

"Cause you knew my weakness." She says

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