Chapter 1

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Jewel's P.O.V.

I am skating to school. When three girls come up and try to push me off of my skateboard. I growl at them and they run off. Pfft mortals always scared. I get to school and hurry to my locker and throw my stuff in there then I hurry and grab my stuff for my class.

"Miss. Castellan your late." Mr. Anger (pronounced Anjer) says

I roll my eyes and I just walk to my seat. I sit by all of the non cool kids. I pull out my pencil and start writing down notes. But the next thing I know the bell rings. I hurry out the door before the teacher can tell me detention. I don't have time for that tonight I have plans to get somewhere.

"Hey Castellan." Alicia the 'popular' girl comes up and says

"What do you want Alicia?" I ask irritated

"Oh just wondering what are you going to be doing this summer other them trying to get a boyfriend?" She asks and laughs at the last part

"Oh just going to my favorite summer camp. But also my home." I say

"On do you mean Camp Half-Blood?" She asks

"Oh yeah your a demigod too. Daughter of Aphrodite." I mutter

"You don't belong there remember that."

"How about you shut up Alicia. I can go anywhere I want."

"You are going to get is killed like your brother almost did."

"My brother was a hero. H-E-R-O. So you better shut the Hades up."


After a few more hours the bell rings for us to go home. I run to my locker and hurry to get my things. I start skating home before Alicia can say anymore crap about my brother.

"Hey mom. I am home." I yell

"Ok sweetie." She says

I hurry to pack a bag and I throw a backpack over my shoulder. I quickly walk out of my house. I then start walking towards the woods. Goodbye mother. Goodbye town. Goodbye school. I then walk off.

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