Chapter 15

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I tried leaving early in the morning.

I was hoping I could leave Casper and everyone else before they had the time to stop me. But as I slowly get up, Casper's eyes are wide open, looking straight at me as I stand up.

"Just can't wait to go, huh? Alright." Casper slowly gets up, and I sigh. No, I was hoping to leave you behind. I think, but there's no way I'll be able to stop him.

Nobody is awake when he head out. I wish I got to say thanks to Mondrel and Eyana for letting us stay, but I don't want to wake them. I'm sure they know how thankful we are. It seems like Eyana took good care of Casper's bullet wound, and they offered food and a safe place to sleep for the night. We owe them everything, but here we are, leaving them and not doing anything for them. But maybe us leaving is a favor in itself.

Casper and I are silent as we walk. We both know what we're getting into, but it seems like neither of us care too much. Well, that's a lie, I'm still nervous. Casper was right, I'm still a blue eyed, my life is at risk. I open my necklace and slip my contacts on at the thought of running into one of Ailani's people.

I don't know why I get the urge to turn around. Casper had even told me to not look back when I had killed Willow, and I would assume not looking back at that Savage's place would be a good idea too. But I turn my head and look anyway, and hold my breath as I see a figure standing there. It's the boy Casper was talking to yesterday. I didn't catch his name, but he stands there, a small backpack in his hand and face locked on us. Did he want to come with? He could still come, we aren't that far away. Plus he knows I'm looking. But he doesn't move, and I decide to turn forward again. I could have sworn he looked like he was packed for a trip, but he would've caught up to us by now if he really wanted to tag along.

He's smart by not going. Really smart.


We walk for what it seems like days, but it's only been half a day. The sun is straight above us, making my skin boil. Casper doesn't even sweat, it seems. His skin is so tan it's probably used to the sun blaring down like this. Not fair, my somewhat pale skin doesn't like this whole sun thing.

We take a break and eat a little from what's in my bag. Casper and I haven't even talked once since we left. I guess I'm not even that mad at him, and I don't think he's mad at me either, but maybe we're just too nervous or tired to talk. I want to ask him more questions, but I don't think he's in the mood to answer. Besides, if I'm going to be at the city, I won't ever see him again. Why would I want to get to know someone who I'm just going to leave? The city will be my new life, a new and safe beginning. And Casper will leave, always on the run and lookout from being captured. That thoughts hits me hard. Casper will never live a safe life. And I thought blue eyed people had it hard, but we have options for safety. Casper's kind and even the brown eyes have to either kill, or be hunted.

"I see it."

His voice scared me so much I actually jump from shock. His voice is raspy, it's clear he hasn't said a word since this morning. I look up and do see it. It's small, only a spect from my view, but it's Ailani's building. It looks enormous though, no wonder why people talk about her; she seems like a popular leader, or ruler, or whatever you call her.

She seems dangerous.

"If only it wasn't made for something so bad, it looks like a mansion." I say.

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