Chapter 1

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It was my first year at Lincon HS it was a fresh start for me. I had been bullied in my last 2 schools, I refused to get home schooled, I feel like I wouldn't learn anything. My parents say I care way to much about school but I always tell them school is the only thing I have.

I was walking through the long and lonely halls. They looked as if no person was ever in there, you could feel the deep loneliness inside of you...

As I got closer to the end of the hall, I noticed a shadow, It was a tall shadow... I stopped and made my way back. No one usually comes early in the first days of school for sure! I knew I wasn't alone at the school, I knew someone was here... I was really scared and I ran like if I were a lion trying to catch its pray, in the process I tripped.

I sat there not knowing what to do, my pain was increasing and I heard foot steps approach me. At that moment I could feel my heart throbbing, I was scared... Really scared!

"Are you okay?" a Mysterious voice asked while approaching me.

"Please Don't hurt me!" I said Nervously, at that point I was really scared for myself.

"Oh dear! I'm not going to hurt you, Im just another 18 year old, what harm can I do? " The voice said.

"Oh lord... I'am so sorry!" I said in a 'apology voice'. "I honestly thought you were a-" She stopped me from talking and placed her finger gently on my lips.

"Its okay hun, I would have thought the same if I were in your place." She said as I sat there thinking why such a beutful girl would talk to someone like me...

"Well, nice meeting you um... whats your name?" She asked

"Sue... Sue Tate" I said while a smirk appeared in her face.

"Pretty nice name Sue! Well as I said Nice meeting you, I have to go... Bye!" Her sweet voice told me.

"Bye... and thank you... Wait! Whats you name?" I shouted in a light voice.

"You'll know when it's time " She winked at me and walked in the same direction she came from...

Little did I know this was the beginning of my dark paradise.


Well I know no one actually reads my story but I dont care I love writing my "no make sense" stories. Well I will update when I have time and I've added a new character, Im not sure when he will be appearing but Im guessing its soon!! (There will be more characters, I'll be adding them as soon as the part they are in comes)

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