Chapter 9

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My time to be alone was over, I was back at the house with all those memories. Jesse had picked me up early, he didn't talk to me until we got home. He was acting strange so I asked him why.


"Jesse look Im sorry for what happened the other day. Are you made at me?" I asked him

"No its just, I know that Zach spent all those nights in your hotel! IF ANYTHING HAPPEN IM GOING TO KILL HIM!" Jesse screamed out.

"Calm down! It was all my fault that Lizzy got mad at him, now if something happened and Im not saying it did, its my business!" I told him

"Look Im not trying to get in your business but Lizzy passed by your hotel room to check on Zach and she said she you know... heard noices..." He said as he looked down at floor

"Well she heard wrong Jess," I said as I headed to the kitchen dropping all my bags on the floor. " Want to eat?"

He looked at me and headed up the stairs while shaking his head.


I went up to my room and called Zach, and it was strange he didn't answer. As soon as I gave up on the call, I heard the door bell ring. I ran down the stairs I was about to open the door when Jesse ran down the stairs and told me that he would open. I stepped back as he opened the door.

The door was opened I saw Lizzy standing besides Zach, I looked at Zach he looked sad. Lizzy walked to the coach and so did Zach they sat down and soon Jesse did too.


With a serious face she said, "As you both may know, I heard what you two were doing the other night." She quickly turned to look at me

"Lizzy stop, why are you guys getting in our business. I never get into your business so why get ito mine?" Zach said he was totally upset

"No, we just want to know if you guys are together or something, we aren't trying to get all up on you'rebuisness." Jesse said

I laughed," I'm sorry but to me this is getting into our business" I was interrupted

"All you need to know is that her feelings and me feelings for her are mutual," Zach said, "I love her!"

Jesse seemed as if he had not heard what we all had just just he sat there in confusion. Lizzy with a faked smile sat there as if she was processing what was said.

After Zach took me out,

"Where are we going?" Sue asked Zach while he drove."I think we had enough , now just wait till we get there" Zach kept driving, "You'll see..."


Zach pulled over, he had taken her at top of a hill in which you could see the hole city. Zach looked at Sue and told her he loved her, Sue couldn't resist to grab his face and kiss him. They both got out the car went the front of the car, Sue pushed Zach on top of the car as she got on top of Zach and started to kiss him in the neck.


"I love you, I love you" She said as she gently pulled his soft brown hair back.He ran to the back of the car and got a blanket, he placed it on the floor and told Sue to sit down.

Sue was just about to kiss Zach when he interrupted her.

"You know, I used to be a nerd, a real nerd," I dont like hearing you say you're one because you are too unique to ever be one.." he continued, "You know, my own sister  wouldn't except me that way, she and her friend judged me until I was done and made a change. You're lucky your brother doesn't judge you, I mean he has no reason you aren't a nerd you are who you are people just call you things because they're jealous that you are your true self." Zach said. "It's been years  that Lizzy had power over me and Im done, Im done with her rude comments." Zach said as he looked around at the city lights slapping his hand on the dirty below them.

Sue hugged him, she knew Lizzy was rude but she didn't realize till now that she was way more than that.

"I don't know how she  let her friends make fun of me like that, they chewed me up, spit me out, and pissed on me. They made me change and be someone Im not." Zach told Sue "But why don't you start being yourself again?" Sue asked, "Well, Im used to this and this is how Im going to live." He said. "I guess I can get used to looking like a pretty girl, I don't want to be a nerd no more. You helped me come out and be who I want to be, thank you Zach I love you!" Sue said as she kissed Zach on the cheek. "No, no baby girl don't make the mistake I did just because people said I wasnt enough" Zach said. "Zach babe, this is me Im not going to change my personality only my appearance, don't worry baby" She said as she placed her head on Zach's shoulder.

Zach confessed that Sue was the first person he ever told his story to and that she was the only one who could understand him.


Zach took me back home at 11:00 pm it seemed like Jesse had been waiting for me but fell asleep in the proccess. I brough a blanket and covered him with it, I kissed him in his forhead and fell asleep next to him.

I felt terrible for everything I had put him through but I'm damn sure he knows I love him with all my heart and I don't ever mean to hurt him.


Sorry I didn't post yesterday but guess what, I went to see The Neighbourhood in Vegas! Jesse has an amazing his voice it is perfect. The only thing I didn't like is that they didn't sing like 4 songs and Zach, Jeremy, Mikey don't smile. Well at least I saw them right, it was amazing had a great time! Thanks for the views 😬😆😏

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