Chapter 5

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"Jesse... Sue, come down stairs for sec!" Said Mrs.Tate

"Coming!" Said Sue


"Well kids, you're father and I decided to go to Africa to help. We wanted to ask you guys if you'd like to come along and help too." Said Sue's  dad
, Jesse stared at them, a few seconds later he started to join the discussion.  Jesse was for sure staying here with Sue... "I'm going! There is no way Im staying here, I can't take it no more, I WANT TO MOVE FAR AWAY FROM HERE I HATE THIS PLACE I HATE EVERYONE!" Sue said furiously while crying. She fell to her knees, suffering everyone went to their knees also asking Sue what was wrong.

"Please, I want to leave I want to live by my own in a dark room full with nothing but me! Thats were I belong, alone!!!" Sue said

"Darlin please don't say that, we all love you so much you are breaking our hearts!" Said Mrs.Tate "Look we can't leave you here anyways, Jesse is probably going to be with Lizzy all the time."

"Of course not, both Lizzy and Sue. Im not going to leave me little sister no second! She will always be a priority" Jesse told Mrs.Tate as Sue just stared with anger and tears rushing down her cheeks.

" TALKING ABOUT LIZZY! " Sue said and stood up and headed up the stairs, Mr.Tate ran up after her.

"Sue, honey please tell us what is wrong!" He said

"Daddy, Im tired my heart is breaking into a million pieces!" Sue cried even more

"Baby girl, who is this person you are talking about?" He asked Sue

"Someone that I wished we- ... I mean I never had met!" Sue started to calm down

"Honey, you deserve the greatest life ever, but life is hard and we can't change that...your mother and I give you the best we can , not just you but your brother as well?" Mr.Tate

"I know dad, I wouldn't trade you for anyone else , I'm grateful for everything you and mom have done for me, my issue is materialistic it's emotional and I'm sorry for worrying you all.. " Sue said wiping the tears of her face.

"No problem my little angel, now lets not talk about it.. So,you are coming right?" He asked

"No... I want to stay but I want to know if you can book me a hotel for a couple of days, I want to.. you know, stay away for a while. Going to Africa is too much." Sue said trying to smile

"Of course baby girl but are you sure..?" He said

Mrs.Tate came in and said "Of course not! After this melt down Im worried for you darlin, I want to keep an eye on you." She said

"I can check on her mom, I'll take good care of her." Jesse said. "Im not sure, its just Im worried" She said.

"Please mom, thats all I want some time alone.." Sue said

"Mmh, fine. Because I love you and I want you to be happy!" Mrs.Tate said reaching to Sue and hugging her. Sue stopped her and she said "Thank you soo much I love you!' while smiling with that big smile of hers. She reached to Jesse and Mr.Tate hugged them and pulled her mom to join the group.

"I love you all so much!" Sue said...


Thank you for the views I can't believe I got more than 5! Well this chapter is just like a narrator saying the story, there will be more chapters like this. Im planning on a new story Im hoping to start it soon!

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