Chapter 15

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Laughter filled the room, It was one of those days that I had laughed so hard my stomach was in pain. Joyful weird as it may sound.

Zach and Mickey had told goofy childhood stories which brought joy to me, seeing Zach's laughter was a picture that I always loved keeping in my mind.

There was a knock on the door, Zach quickly stood up to answer.


We all quickly recognized the voice, Lizzy stormed in,

"Whe- Where is he?!?"

We all looked at her, It was clear to tell she was intoxicated, Zach got close to her trying to hold her up as she was almost falling...

She murmured 'Jesse!' as her face became pale, I urged Zach to take her upstairs to rest.

Both Mickey and I walk back to the living room, "Liz sure still is a handful!" He stated

"What do you mean?", I asked

Mickey sat down, there was silence in the room, "Well,  she's always been a daddies girl, when her parents got divorced it was hard not to have her dad around, and even more when he passed...", he looked procceded to say,"Ever since the divorce she changed so much, a walking wreck..."

I stared at the floor softly massaging my thigh, "So your saying she has daddy Issues?", I asked

"I wouldn't open my mouth if I knew i was wrong," He paused for a bit, "She's always had love for men, men who reminded her of her dad," he stopped and giggled as he kept on shaking his head.

I interrupted,  "Dylan and Jesse aren't much older than her," I said,"Has she dated older men?" I asked

Mickey struggled to talk, it was as if he didnt want to say what he was about to say,

"Lizzy was in love with Dylan's father , I-I've never told anyone before, not even Zach," his face quickly turned serious, "The thing is that she was only 14, no one else would notice but I did, she looked at him as if he were God himself," he stood still as he placed his hand in his face, " I noticed because thats how I viewed her..."

I Stopped him in shock," Wasn't she with Dylan at that time?"

"Certainly, she wasn't in love with him though, she was in love with his father, to her Dylan was just an immature version of his father," he looked up at me, "All Dylan wanted was to love her, give her the world but no... she wanted more"..

"Dylan was just a way to get to his father," Mickey stopped me," You're right, I think Lizzy wants love from those who are prohibited, not just older men,"

"Please don't tell Zach... or anybody!" He excalimed

I was shooken up, I was speechless not knowing what to say. This might of just explained everything, literally.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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