Chapter 14

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New school year, new teachers right? Almost all day I heard about a million different life stories from teachers. However, one was more interesting, than the rest.He seemed familiar, not his voice just his face. Besides the fact of being really attractive and really determined.

After class I decided to stay little longer to chat, I slowly approached him,
"Mr.Johnson? Hi! Im Sue Tate one of your students, "Oh yes! Nice to meet you Sue!" He stuck out his hand to greet me.

He didnt seem to know me or recognized me, "I dont want to make you late to your next class," he said, I giggled,
"This is the last period of the day," he laughed, "Im sorry Im a little off, its my first teaching job and for God's sake the first day of school everyone gets a little nervou! ," he said sarcastically.

I met up with Zach for Dinner, we talked about our days and the funny life stories he had heard all say long.
I mentioned Mr.Johnson and I quickly got a reaction from Zach, "Oh shit! She really did it!" He smiled, "Wh-at? Who??" I asked, "Dylan is an old family friend and he graduated last year I begged Lizzy to hire him, and she did!"

I sat there as if I was revaluating life, "Growing up he helped me out when dad wasn't around, him, and I were very close, though Lizzy and Dylan did get very clothes too" he looked me with a grin," Made us feel pretty bad ass to be hanging out with someone who was older than us,".

On the drive back to the Moore's house, I overthinked until it came to me... I had finally remember where I had seen him !

"The picture in the cabin..." I said under my breath, "Babe? You cool?", Zach asked, I came back into reality and nodded.

Paradise Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora