Chapter 6 +Information

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My parents dropped me off at a 5 star hotel before they headed to the airport, Jesse walked me to my room. He told me that if I needed anything he would be a phone call away, 'Oh lord he is such a good brother" I said in my mind.

As soon as Jesse left, I ran to the bed and threw my bags all over the floor. I ran to the window and opened it, I sat on the edge of it. I smiled for no reason, I felt like I was finally going to have some privacy. Like it was time for me to be on my own for a while, I stared down while singing made up beats. I knew this wasn't paradise but compared to being home with all the depression, it actually was paradise.

I called my parents and thanked them, they were happy to hear I was happy for the first time that week...

I decided to go shopping for some clothes... It wasn't going to be nerdy clothes like usual it was going to be a bit wild you could say. Which at that time it was strange for me to think that way, but I wanted to live this moment as someone else, do things my normal self wouldn't do. When I got back to the hotel I got a call from Jesse, he was asking if I needed anything. I ended up making a wild decision and telling him to come, my plan was for him to party with me, so he could show me the fun side of lofe since I had never really experienced whaat most people find fun. The whole purpose of this trip was to be alone but a little party wouldn't hurt me, I was a first time party girl and I needed help finding the right place, Jess was the only one who could help.

He ended up not coming because he was with Lizzy, of course he apologized for the millionth time, when he  told me one of his friends would come and take me some place,  I wanted to meet other people that weren't like me, cool people. So later that day I was finally ready, I spent half the time thinking of my current decisions.

I heard a knock on the door I walked to the door wondering if it might be Jesse's friend. I fixed my hair as I opened the door. There was a cute guy standing and smiling at me, I couldn't stop staring at his face. He was just flawless, his eyes seemed familiar yet his face went not. As I told him to come in he asked me if I was Jesse's sister and I smiled and said yes. He told me I looked beautiful, my face turned red and I was speechless.


"So, were are you headed princhess?" He told me

"Not excacly sure but I hope you can help," I said

"Sure can," he paused,"My name is Zach, nice too meet you!" Zach said

"My name is Sue, nice to meet you too.. Zach" I told him as a smirk appeared on his face.

"So princess, what time of environment do you want to go to?" He asked me

"Ooh well, I was planning to go to this club that is in the building with Jesse but  he is with Lizzy.." I told him

"Yeah.." Zach said as his face got serious for the first time.

"So, um you can come along right? This is my first time going out  to a place like this, I never really go out..."

"Sounds like me a couple of years ago until.." He said in a soft sad tone.

"Why? I mean you dont have to tell me.." I tried not to get much into his personal business.

"Well its just I changed because my sister was ashamed of me... thats all" Zach told me as he looked at the ground and looked back up.

"Anyways, you ready beautiful? I wouldn't dare to leave you alone! " he said

I nodded and smiled as he stepped back and let me step out the door first.


That was one of the best days of my life, I met a really amazing person who would later in life would be a big piece of me...

Later that night I got really drunk, Zach was afraid something bad would happen since he tried stopping me but clearly I was out of my mind , I wasn't even age appropriate. He took me back to the hotel room and thanked me for giving him the best day he had in days. I coudln't stop smiling at him, I hugged him and thanked him also for the same thing. He gave me his phone number, he grabbed my hand and said "goodnight". I smiled and told him so as well, he winked and walked away as I closed the door.

I got into the tub and had 20 missed calls from Jesse and a few from my parents, I knew I was in trouble so I called back. I did get in trouble, they didn't notice I was drunk until Jesse came to check on me. He promised not to tell my parents and keep up with my lie if I promised to answer the phone for now on and never do it again.

I was already bored with all he was saying about not getting in trouble until he asked me how was Zach, I could have talked about him all night long but Jesse was more interested in getting me straight.

He struggled to leave since I was extremely drunk, I quickly fell asleep and woke up to a note from Jesse. He had stayed all night sitting next to me taking care of me. The part that got most of my interest was that Lizzy really wanted him to go to school with her so he had to go.

I thought about it for a second than food was all I was thinking about, but not just that I couldn't stop thinking of  Zach...

Okay so I haven't posted in along time so I decided to make this chapter long! Thanks for the 17 views Im so happy! Okay so I decided to change Tylers name to Jesse, since Jesse Rutherford is playing him,I kind of like Jesse better than Tyler. :)

-Zach Moore- Medium Size.Brown Hair. Nose Piercing. Tattoos. Cool. Popular.Attractive. great smile .

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