Chapter 3

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It took me about an hour to find a good dress that wouldn't look bad on me, I didn't want to upset my brother, him and I have never ever fighted over anything and I'd like to keep it that way though Jesse could never get mad at me, he's such a good person.

As I entered the house I saw my dad helping my mom set the table, as I went up stairs he told me to hurry up and get ready. I went into my room and took a quick shower. I got, I started to put my short burgundy dress and tall heels.

When I finished applying some make up on and curlying the tips of my hair, I took of my glasses and headed down stairs. I heard a familiar voice down stairs, It was defenitely not my mother, not my brother, not even my father. I headed faster down stairs and saw a tall girl with long light brown hair.


I stopped walking and stared at her, she was hugging my brother... I wondered If she was just a guest from my brother's girlfriend.... But It was defenitely not a guest, it was his girlfriend, it was the girl I met and the girl I was staring to fall in love with.

My eyes started to fill with tears, I "sucked them up" and went down. As I got closer to my brother and her... she turned around and smiled. I looked at my brother and smiled, "Sue! This is Lizzy, Lizzy this is Sue" Jesse told me with a big smile. "Hello Sue, nice to meet you!" She told me.

She acted like she didn't even know me, which hurted the most. I put up fake smile and greeted her, as I did I walked to the table and sat down. As I did so, Jesse came up to me and asked me If I was okay, I looked at him and lightly said 'yes'. He smiled and told Lizzy to sit down while he pulled the chair our for her .

"So Sue, I have to say you are the prettiest little sister!" She smiled at me, "You know, Jesse tells me so many amazing things about you, he says you are the best!"

"She is, I love her too much!" Jesse looked at me and grabbed my hand.

"Thank you Jess, and yes not to brag but you're right , though I ain't so little," I told him and put up a real smile this time, i saw my parents reaction which I could tell they where I'm shock of my response.


I've only gotten like 2 views and thats great! Thanks, So Jesse's the brother, forget about his tattoos for now, we will need them later on! ;)

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