Home Before Dark

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Been expecting you, Little Red~"

Shizuo 'tsked' at the nickname. Ever since Kasuka had given him the red cape people started calling him that. The blond had absolutely no idea why. He wasn't little by any means, but he just let the name slide. It wasn't mean at least, he could deal with it.

"Brought you some medical supplies and some pastries, granny." said the blond, lifting his basket for emphasis.

To straighten out any confusion that may have arisen some things should be explained. First off Shinra is not actually Shizuo's grandmother. The two boys do go way back though. When Shinra lived in town he and the blond were neighbors, as well as friends. Shizuo greatly appreciated the brunet. Not a lot of people wanted to be near him, but Shinra didn't mind the possible danger or ridicule. Shizuo really admired his friend. Never caring what others think of him, just doing what he thinks is right or fun etc. The blond was a bit envious actually. He wasn't like that at all. If anything he was the opposite, always worried about what others say or if something he liked would cause everyone to throw him out.

The next thing that should be explained is why the pervert doctor was way out in the woods.

"Thanks! Your a lifesaver, I was actually running low" the brunet stepped away from the entrance a bit, allowing his guest to enter. "Just leave it on the table while I make some tea."

After doing as told the blond took a goid look at his surroundings. It was a small cottage, just a kitchen and a bedroom. It was also very essentially furnished, only necessary things needed to live.

"How do you not go crazy living out here?" Shizuo found himself asking.

The brunet laughed then responded.

"Because I have Celty." it was a simple nonsensical answer, yet it made the blond frown.

To understand why a frown took root on Little Red's face at that statement, the second explanation must take place. Celty was a faery. The faery Celty was shunned by the townspeople, they believed her to be demon. Some hunters went after her, some denied her existence at all. Shinra however, had fallen deeply in love with the faery named Celty Sturluson and he wasn't afraid to admit it. Fearing the boy had been possessed Shinra was almost subjected to horrible "treatment". Not that he minded, as long as he lived he would love Celty, no "treatment" could change that. Lucky for Shinra though, he made friends with the right boy. Shizuo swooped in at just the right moment to save his friend. In the end Shinra was banished to the woods.

Shizuo stayed in the town with his family, though many people there feared his inhuman strength.

"Your nuts." Shizuo stated before plopping down into one of the two table chairs.

"Well I am stuck in the woods without human contact, did you expect me to stay sane?"

Both boys laughed.

"It's goid to see you again, Shizuo." smiled the brunet.

Shizuo nodded as he unpacked a few pastries he made earlier that day. Shinra brought over the tea then sat opposite to Shizuo.

"How was the trip?" Shinra asked, eying some of the homemade pastries.

Shizuo grunted. "Shit."

Taking a pastry Shinra nodded. He knew what was coming.

"That damned fleabag pisses me up! The hell does he think he is, callin me Shizu-chan and tryin to mess with me! I'll kill that wolf bastard!"

"Easy now little red, that's not very nice."

A glare found its way to Shinra, Shizuo's rage filled glare of death. Just as the blond was ready to yell at his friend Shinra cut him off.

"I was kinda hoping you two would get along."

This took the blond by surprise, what the hell was that pervert talking about? Shizuo tilted his head curiously, almost asking the brunet to go on.

"Izaya is a friend of mine."

If shizuo had taken a sip of tea at that moment, no doubt it would be all over Shinra.

"W-wait- what!? Your friends with that bastard!?" exclaimed the blond, his tone more shocked than angry now.

"Well yeah, he and Celty are the only ones I can talk to out here. But Orihara isn't so bad, sure he's an asshole at times but-"

Shinra was cut off by Shizuo abruptly standing.

"Talking about him pisses me up." was all Shizuo said.

The brunet smiled at his friend before saying in a calm tone.

"He's a handful at times, but he's pretty lonely too."

The blond looks down at his companion, his caramel orbs blinking in confusion.

"Well, think about it. He's not a terribly liked guy, a lot of hunters go after him." Shizuo nodded in agreement before Shinra continued. "Being hated isn't any fun, you can understand that right? But Izaya doesn't have a goid family that will stay by him, or caring friends that can comfort him. He's only got himself. Doesn't that sound a bit lonely?" Shinra finished then took a bite of the pastry he'd been eying.

The blond looked at nothing in particular as he let his friend's words sink in. He didn't like pitying that damned flea, but what Shinra said made him wanna not kill him...as much.

"Its getting dark, you should head out." Shinra said, cutting through Shizuo's jumbled thoughts.

With a nod the blond gathered his now empty basket and bowed respectfully. "Thank you for the hospitality. Would you mind if I visit again?"

"Of course you can! Any time, little red!" Shinra smiled.

"Cya round then, granny." with a wave the blond turned for the door mumbling something about letting himself out.

"Why did I get stuck as granny? How did the nickname even come up? Even Izaya calls me granny, I'm not that old." pouted the brunet as Shizuo left.

The blond traveled back along the gravel path, mind somewhere else. The only thing that snapped him out of it was noticing, from the corner of his eye, a raven black fur tail swishing back and forth.



Sorry for any mistakes! I hope you liked this~

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